Do You Know Me?

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Maeve's POV:


Low, dimmed lighting.

The smell of cigar smoke flooding the empty hallway as I sit on the cold floor.

Chaos brewing behind the closed door, voices screaming back and forth at one another.

"I don't know!" My father shouts, the frustration in his voice growing with every faint step I heard him take on the marbled floor, "I don't know why I did it. They needed a place to go, and I just-"

"You let the need to feel like a father again ruin your judgement." Grandpa Burke hissed, "you let four boys enter this hidden world, when they were the ones we were hiding from in the first place!"

Feel like a father...again?

He was my father. He was still my father.

"They will never replace Chad, Cody."

A son.

He was referring to having a son.

"I'm not trying to replace my son." Dad's words glided together. His heart was shattering by the very thought of that, "I have a wonderful daughter, a daughter who is going to one day run this entire gang. But she is going to need helpful assistance at her side. I think these four may be the solution."

Grandpa Burke only scoffs, "please. You think I would entrust her to run everything I've built? You're crazier than I had imagined."

My legs began to cramp from the way I squatted against the floor, my ear pressed firmly against the metal door to my father's office.

"Those boys are going to cause trouble, Cody." Grandpa Burke sighs, "but, if you want them here so bad. Then so be it. But they will stay the hell away from my granddaughter. Not until I give the okay."

What was he even talking about?

What boys?

I haven't seen anyone new..

"Rumor has it the curly haired one killed his own sister," Grandpa Burkes voice grew closer, "so make sure you're careful with how much you decide to trust them."

"Remember who we are. Do not trust anyone."

Present day:

It was him.

It's always been him.

All the warnings, the signs, the random nights away for weeks on end.

He was the leader of Malevolence.



The chains linked around my feet jingled lightly as I shifted to get more comfortable, my body burning from tension as I stretch the best way possible.

How could he do this to his own granddaughter? His own son?


Oh god.

His own grandson.

Luke told me about that night. He told me how the man assigned him to kill my brother, all those years ago.

My grandfather is the reason my brother is dead.

Luke was no where in sight, which caused my heart to flutter in panic. I don't remember leaving that spot on the floor.

But the bruise growing from my temple gave me a small indicator of why that might be.

"Burke!" I try my best to yell, though my throat was raw from god knows what reason. My whole body ached, and my chest was heavy.

Luke collapsed.

Luke couldn't breathe.

What the fuck happened to us tonight?

And where was my dad?

I try reaching for the ear piece that was once connected to my ear, but to no surprise, it's been ripped away clean, the only thing filling the hole was dried blood.

Who was this monster?

"Well, goodmorning." Burke chuckled as he opened the door, "nice to see my granddaughter alive and well."

"Fuck you." I croak, "where-where is Luke?"

Burke only laughs, stalking forward with a tray in his hand as he sets it down on the floor to my side, his lip turned into a sinister smirk, "take your medicine. I know you aren't feeling the best."

My eyes widen in horror, turning to see three pills resting against a white plate, and a cup of water at its side.

"It's benedryl, you know," Burke stands, "for those pesky allergies. Always make our heads, and chest hurt. Am I right?"

"What did you do!"


Pure, blinding, white hot rage. That's all I could feel. That's all I could think of.

"Now now," He dusts his suit jacket, "that's no way to speak to your leader, or your grandfather. We use inside voices in this home. Are we understood?"

I just needed to know Luke was okay.


It wasn't a question.

It was defeat.

"All the signs were there, my little dove." Burke sighs, his hands shoving into his pockets as he stood before me, his body hovering my own as he declares his stature, "why didn't you pay attention? Why would you trust anyone in this world? Especially our world?"

The brims of my eyes began to burn, "I wanted-" my throat catches the lump, "I wanted to.."

"What? Believe in someone?" He taunts, "wanted to think there our people out in this world who don't only seek something for themselves? Maeve, you should have learned. Your brother didn't, and now look."

He extends his arms, as if he was proud of our surroundings as he looks to the sky, "Now I get to choose the reign of the throne. And I think...I know just who it will be."

He starts for the door, but instead of leaving like I believed, and truth be told, hoped for, he instead opens it, motioning for someone to enter.

"Luke!" I cry out, thrashing around the floor like a fish out of water. His face was bruised, his skin tinted in crimson as well as the white shirt he now wore.

But, he didn't look up. He didn't move.

He didn't do anything.


"You can address me as Mr. Hemmings," his voice was dark, and as he looks up now, I notice his eyes were mirroring his tone,

"The new leader of the gang, Malevolence."

AFFLICTION- LRHजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें