Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don't.

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Maeve's POV:

"Do you need help with that?" I hear a soft giggle behind me, causing my eyes to lock with Kouvr through the mirror, her head peeking inside the bedroom.

Smudging my makeup brush into the eyeshadow, I nod reluctantly, "please. I don't know shit about makeup."

Kouvr basically skips into the room, the skirt of her firefighter costume hardly hanging off her hips sways back and forth as she starts my way, picking up the eyeshadow pallet from my hands.

"You seem to love to do makeup," I say, closing my eyes for her to do her work, "did you have any experience with makeup? Like, beauty school or something?"

"God no," she snorts, applying the brush to my eyelids, "I just always loved to do it to myself, it was something I always enjoyed."

While Kouvr continued to do my makeup, my mind began to wander toward the events taking place tonight.

Tonight, was the job.

We had to get the necklace.

A necklace that a woman would be wearing around her neck. That's easy, right?

Fuck, I can't even lie to myself right now, can I?

"Can I ask you something?" Kouvr asks, making me jump a bit, "sorry, did I scare ya?"

"No," I chuckle, opening my eyes to see her grabbing blush,  "sorry, I was in my own head, what's up?"

She shrugs, "I don't know, it's just..I'm kind of nervous," she mutters, "I haven't ever been to a job before, and I know I don't have to do anything, but it's just a weird...feeling? I guess? I don't know, I probably sound silly-"

"No," I cut her off, shaking my head as I reach for her hand, giving it a tight squeeze, "you don't. If you want the truth, I'm kind of nervous too."

Her eyes brighten, her jaw dropping a bit, "really?"

"Hell yeah," I snort, taking my hand back to run it through my hair, , "I may be used to it, but it's always a new experience. You never know what's going to happen, and that's the scary part."

Kouvr sighs, a look of weight being pushed off her shoulders appear across her face, "thanks for telling me that. Calum just tells me it'll be fine and to not worry. But you were honest, and I appreciate that."

"What are friends for?" I grin.

"Oh, girls..." Michael's voice calls from the other side of the door, "are you decent?"

"Well, yeah?" I laugh, giving Kouvr an odd look, "why?"

"I want to suck your blood!"

We turn our heads to the door, rolling are eyes hard at Michael who stood in the frame, his arms up in the air as he flashed his fake fangs.

I couldn't help but gaze over his appearance, he looked good as fuck though, and I wouldn't lie about that.

He wore a white flannel shirt that was unbuttoned, a pair of black slacks, and a dark cape around his neck. His hair was tussled and a mess, and with his fake fangs, he had fake blood dripping from his lips...

God, I have got to stop reading twilight.

"Looking good, Kouvr." Michael smiles, letting go of his fake Transylvanian accent, "Maeve, are you getting dressed soon?"

"That's the plan." I smirk.

"Maeve isn't dressed?" Luke yells from downstairs, "let's go, woman!"

"Hold your horses!" I shout back, before turning my attention back to Kouvr, "thank you for the makeup. It'll look great with my sexy robber costume."

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