The Gang's All Here.

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Maeve's POV:

"So this is myyy room," Calum chirps, strolling down the hall while I tag along behind him, stopping right in front of a dark wooden door, "I would show you the inside, but you would probably be freaked out by what's behind this door."

"Oh, is that so?" I raise my brow, "hiding dead bodies in there?"

Calum laughs, shaking his head, "god no, but you would find my very disappointing amount of porno magazines, and I'm a gentleman. So I won't let you see that."

"Magazines?" I scoff, "you like the old school shit then."

He shrugs, continuing his way down the hall as he shoves his hands into his pockets, "You call it old school, I call it retro. Now come on, I'll show you the rest of the rooms."

Although I could care less about seeing the houses floor plan, I had to act like I did.

I know my father has put the best of the best in charge of finding me, so until then, I just have to pretend I give a shit about Calum and his porno.

In my experiences of growing up around the gang, I've learned it's best to just keep common ground. If you play nice with them, they'll play nice with you.

What's the saying?

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer?

That'll have to be my life motto for a little while.

"And this is Ashton's room."

And who could I kid, I'm a genuinely nice person.

Calum has been the only one who's shown me any type of hospitality since I've been here. He seems to not like the idea of my presence here by force, and that gave me a small bit of hope.

If I play nice long enough, maybe he could help me escape.

They all had a key, every single one of the boys having a way out of this house, and if I can get on at least one of their good sides,

Maybe they will just let me go.

So while Calum continues to walk and talk, I nod my head, pretending to examine each door and pretending to care about who sleeps there.

I can't help but feel bad for the guy though, because when the time comes and I'm found,

He will be going down with the rest of them.

"And that's Luke's room. That's it down this hall."

"Why did Luke lock me away in his room to begin with?" I question.

Calum shrugs, "couldn't tell you. We don't have a guest room, so maybe he's just planning to keep you in there."

"He better not be planning to be in there with me or I swear to god-"

"Woah, calm down Maeve," he chuckles, his dimples popping out ever so slightly as he smiles, "Luke may be an ass, but he would never do something like that if it wasn't okay with you."

"It wasn't okay with me to get drugged and abducted in the middle of the night, and here we are."

Calums mouth forms a straight line, "fair point."

As Calum concludes the rest of the tour, we begin to make our way back into the open living room.

"What time do you think they will be back?" Calum asks, eyeing the sprawled out Ashton on the couch.

With a side eye to me, Ashton spits, "how the hell should I know?"

Ha, he's not in favor of me being so open and free right now.

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