The Boys Are Here.

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Maeves POV:

I don't know how the fuck he did it,

But Luke managed to get us to our destination with exactly zero stops, not counting gas and food.

He slept maybe a total of four hours within our forty five hour trip here, leaving us all physically and mentally exhausted. The few times he decided to sleep, he just switched seats with Calum, but it never lasted long.

"I can't sleep in a fucking car." He'd complain.

And with every gas station stop, Luke would load up on energy drinks and sugar. It honestly amazed me how his heart just didn't explode right then and there.

We arrived at an enormous beach house, thanks to my father who was able to provide the boys some money as they continue to 'search for his daughter'. The house was right on a private beach, miles away from the nearest neighbor.

We had finally made it around three this morning, and ever since, Luke and Calum slept hard in their rooms. I tried to sleep when we arrived, but I only managed to get a couple of hours.

With the sun starting to peak through the curtains, I gave up completely on sleep, making my way out of my designated room and down the stairs to the open living room. With Luke being so tired, he completely forgot to tie me up.

But hey, I wasn't complaining.

I mean, what could I do forty five hours away from home?

Sitting on the corner cushion of the white lavish couch, my eyes peak out the large glass window, the sun beginning to rise over the ocean in the abyss, my ears perking lightly as the sound of the waves crashing against the shore repeatedly.

I was in such a beautiful place, a place that I had never seen in my life, and all I could think about was how much my life completely flipped around.

I mean, I am thousands of miles away from home, far away from my family. My family who thinks I was taken by our rival gang when in reality, I was with the four men my father trusted enough to find me.

And yet, I sat on this couch, free to go anywhere I wanted, and I wasn't doing a damn thing about it. Why?

Of course I want to go home, but I would be a liar if I said I didn't crave the excitement awaiting on our adventures here.

The adrenaline of the unknown.

In Washington, I never got to go anywhere. I was always stuck in the compound with the others, but being with the four boys, even if it was only for a few days, I have seen more of the world then I have ever seen in the last twenty-two years of my life.

I had never been to a beach.

Of course, it wasn't under the rightest circumstances...

However, it felt freeing.

Suddenly, the sound of the door creaking open plays into ear, breaking me from my thoughts as I turn to see Ashton and Michael walking in, their eyes meeting mine with confusion.

"Oh," I chuckle, shifting my position on the couch so I could meet their gaze, "Nice for you two to finally join."

"Uh," Ashton drops his bag, his head shifting back and forth as he looks around for any sign of the other two, "Why aren't you tied up? And where is Luke?"

"You didn't kill them, right?" Michael croaks, a shake in his voice showing the fear.

I can't help the laugh escaping my lips, "They are asleep upstairs, but I appreciate the compliment."

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