Once and For All.

128 6 0

Maeves POV:

With my arm knitted tightly into Lukes, we enter the grand hall of the enormous house. I knew this was supposed to be a gala type event. Rich men and woman layered out through the entire house, but truth be told the atmosphere was throwing me off completely.

Everyone was hidden. Lies hiding behind their tight fitted tux or their snug dresses. Everyone here was all one in the same.

Including the four of us.

Kouvrs eyes widened with every passing artifact we came across as we headed toward the poker rooms. Her mouth gaping after each statue, and her tiny gasps at every painting hung against their colorless walls.

She was in her own little world, completely unaware of the dangers ahead of her.

I wish it were that easy, it would help ease the nerves completely.

Maybe i should have smoked Ashtons joint in the car after all.

"This is it," Luke nods, reaching for his ear as he pretends to play with a curl, his finger just barely touching for the device tucking in his ear, "we are headed in."

"Marvelous." My dads voice picked up through my head, "He will probably have a bald head, and he is going to look like the richest man in that room. Do what you got to do."

After dropping his hand down, he tugs his fingers into mine as we nod to one another, "Lets end this once and for all." He sighs.

"Once and for all." I pull a smile.

As we walk through the door, the smell of tobacco and gin filled my nose. Men sat around the scattered round tables as their woman stood off to the side of them, leaning down and whispering into their lovers ears as they kept their focus on the game ahead of them.

Now, from what I knew this was supposed to be a charitable event. The others here must think they are playing for whatever cause this event was running.

But, I have never known Malevolence to be so giving.

"Which one do you think is him?' Calum steps to my side, his arm wrapping tightly around Kouvrs waist as his eyes scan the room.

Everyone in here looked the same to me.

This was a room riddled with common thiefs.

However, my eyes stop at a particular table, and the weight in my stomach seems to completely collapse.

Corey sat alone, his fingers intertwining with one another as the glasses he wore hung off his nose. I recognized him immediately from a photo my grandfather kept in his office. I never knew who he was in the frame, and it never seemed important to ask.

But as useless as that information was back then, now would have been more of a crucial time than ever to have gotten to know more about him.

"There," I nod my head, giving Luke a gentle nudge before I start my way over, "that is him."

"Are you sure?" Lukes voice remained calm, but his grip around my fingers gave another indication.

Without saying anything else, we make our way to the table, and i turn my head to the side to give Calum the 'ok' before he starts off to another table with Kouvr at his side.

"Good evening," Luke smiles, pointing to the two seats across from Corey as he keeps his eyes peeled, "these seats taken?"

Corey looks almost as displeasing as i could remember. He had a permanent scowl riddled in his lips, and the scar lining his cheek down to his neck was less than pleasant. But, he nods, gesturing forward, "Not at all, you like to play?"

Luke pulls my chair out before taking a seat of his own, leaning back into his spot to try and keep the relaxed look going, "I play a bit, wanted to see if I had a chance against one of the greatest."

This earns a small chuckle from Corey, "So you have heard of me, have you?"

"Who hasnt?" Luke smirks, reaching for the deck of cards on the table before turning to me, "are you playing?"

"No, thanks." I smile, trying my best to remain calm, though my emotions and feelings were anywhere and everywhere, "I would just like to watch."

"Good," Corey scoffs, glaring at me from across the table as he pats his hand on the wood, "woman aren't allowed to play in here. You can just sit there and be the thing he looks at."


It's me again.

Listen, all i am asking for is the mother fucking strength to not reach over this table right now and kill this bastard.

"She knew that," Luke says hoarsely, slapping the cards against the table between the two of them, "your comment was not needed."

Corey smirks, "you are right. My mistake. She is your woman. I am more than positive you can handle her."

Do not make me talk to the lord again, Corey.

"How does some blackjack sound?" Luke moves on, "best two out of three games?"

"Yeah, trade out the two cards i got." Corey hums, "I havent looked at them yet, but i just know they are not correct."

"You got it." Luke says, reaching across the table and grabbing the cards. He brings them up for me to catch the numbers, before sliding them into the bottom of the deck.

An ace and a queen.

This should be easy.

"How much we betting?" Corey asks, grabbing his two new cards and flipping them up, "hit me again."

"I was thinking this game should be more for information," Luke trudges lightly, "if i win, you give me the information I need. If you win..." he pauses, "you can get anything you need from me."

Coreys brow raises as he looks down to his cards, "what kind of information would you need from me? and what the hell could you offer me?"

"Well, I have info" Luke shrugs, "and you are one of the head members of Malevolence, correct?"

This has Corey looking up now, his eyes narrowing to Luke first, then a swift glance in my direction, "Who are you?"

Luke places his cards forward, my eyes widening at the perfect twenty-one facing us. Corey shuffles in his seat from nerves.

I watch in awe as the man at my side reaches across the table for the glass sitting directly in front of Corey, bringing it back and knocking the entire drink back in one go.

"I might very well be your worst nightmare, my friend."

//Authors note//

Happy New Years Eve.

Lets have a good 2024, shall we?

AFFLICTION- LRHOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora