What? You mean compressed food? That food tastes the same. If you were injured after being hit, you should eat something nutritious and delicious.

The soup is radish and pork ribs soup, and it comes with two refreshing side dishes.

Because some materials have become extinct and mutated, substitutes are used. But Zhu Wanmiao tasted it and thought it was good, so she brought it.

Seeing the gentle and beautiful young woman in front of him claiming to be his mother, urging him to eat quickly with an expectant smile, and looking like she was begging for praise, Liang Rao couldn't help but smile in response.

The soup is a bit like pork rib soup, but it's not quite authentic. You can't tell what the dish is, but it tastes pretty good.

The two dishes and one soup were generous portions. Liang Rao had just woken up and couldn't eat so much. But when he saw the woman's gentle eyes, he couldn't say anything that he couldn't eat. He was afraid that the leftovers would make the other person think that he disliked her as a cook. art.

However, no matter how stuffed it was, the stomach was still so big. Liang's speed of circling the chopsticks gradually slowed down, and the chewing time for each bite became much longer.

"Can't you eat anymore?" Youqin Yiyang noticed his son's strange behavior: "If you can't eat, don't eat. Be careful."

Liang Rao put down his chopsticks to show that he was full: "Mom's cooking is really delicious. It's better than last time." The first time I ate at Gushanju was pretty good."

Where is Gushanju? Never heard of it.

Liang Rao concealed his strangeness and kept looking at them with a smile.

When Youqin Yiyang saw that his son was not eating, he was reluctant to waste the dishes prepared by his wife. He was accustomed to eating all kinds of delicacies and ate his son's leftovers without mind at all. Except for the bones, there was no other residue left at the end.

Zhu Wanmiao was very happy for the two's support. Her son woke up safely, her appetite was not affected, and her craftsmanship was affirmed. What else could make her happier and more satisfied than this?

Although Liang Rao was a little uncomfortable with Youqin Yiyang eating his leftovers, what made him even more uncomfortable was the identity of the two people in front of him.

The couple is so full of love for their parents that it almost overflows.

But his father has been dead for several years, and his mother ran away with a rich man when he was still young. Reliving father's love and enjoying the mother's love that they had never had before certainly made them nostalgic and nostalgic, but were they sure they didn't recognize the wrong person?

Wait, that doesnt make sense. What kind of parent would admit that their child is wrong? And there was something wrong with his voice.

The more he thought about it, the more panicked Liang Rao became, feeling that something seemed beyond his control. He clearly remembered that he was browsing Taobao in front of the computer and planned to add two potted plants to the house. After being dazzled, I chose from numerous online stores and placed an order with one with a good reputation. Why did I wake up in the water all of a sudden? And he calls two men and women about the same age as him parents?

Thinking of this, Liang Rao couldn't hold on to the smile on his face, and his expression became grim.

What exactly is going on? What happened to yourself?

Youqin Yiyang sighed secretly when he saw his son's expression, thinking that the other man was thinking of those two doggy men.

Thinking of the information that was found after his son's accident, and looking at his son's pale face, Youqin Yiyang couldn't help but feel angry. If it weren't for the fact that his superpower hadn't been able to break through to the tenth level, how could his son have suffered like this?

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