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"You're just too pretty die." The voice was like nails on a chalkboard bringing a chill down Camila's spine.

She could feel Lauren's fingers digging into her arm, hear her ragged breathing, but she remained there with her eyes firmly shut.
The man was laughing again. It sounded more like barking, which seemed fit for his in humane personality.

Camila let out a gasp as she felt the cold barrel of a gun be pressed into her forehead.

"Come on sweet heart let's see those pretty eyes"

Panic was bubbling in camila's chest. She couldn't do it. Lauren squeezed her shoulder giving Camila the strength to look up.

He was leaning against the doorway smiling wide. An unbelievably large gun was slung against his chest. He was drenched in blood, it covered the gun his jeans and what used to be a white shirt. The blood wasn't just red like camila had imagined, bits of it were black that chunkily clung to his shirt.

"Oh my god, it's brain pieces." Lauren said in a hushed whisper.

"Come on my darlings let's get up and out of the closet." He jabbed Laurens shoulder with the gun. Holding on to each other camila and Lauren stumbled out of the closet.

The man grabbed camila from behind while pointing the gun at Lauren.
His breath was hot against her neck and yet she felt frozen in pure terror.

"You two really are beautiful, aren't you? You looked really comfortable in that closet, maybe even a little too comfortable?" He chuckled pressing his head into Camila's hair.

"That's okay dykes we can still have plenty of fun."
Camila could feel her face flush. She wasn't gay, she couldn't be. Her and Marielle giggled over boys all the time. She looked over at Lauren. Her dark hair was wild and all over the place which somehow just made her look even more appealing. It was her eyes though that Camila couldn't get over. Every time she saw them she found it hard to look away. But that didn't mean she was gay, right? Her heart did do a dance when she looked at her and her stomach was doing backflips the whole time they were in the closet but that was normal.

Totally normal.

"Come on let unleash a little hell on this place shall we?" Shoving Camila forward he let out another barking laugh.

Lauren grabbed her hand, which of course did not send a thrill through Camila, not at all.

He whistled as they walked down the hall. Occasionally jamming the barrel of the fun into one of their backs.

"Alright stop here, if you even think about running Ill blow this whole place to hell." He smiled as he ran a hand through his blonde hair. It too was smattered with blood.

Lauren grabbed Camila's arm as they waited anxiously for whatever was going to happen. They were stopped in front of a classroom, the kids inside looked around 14 and terrified. The lights were off not that it did anything to hide them.

The man knocked on the door still whistling to himself. "Open up in there! Telegram!"

He turned back and looked at us with a wink. Camila watched as the girls huddled closer together away from the door.

The hallway exploded with noise as he shot the door down. The screaming started again as the kids in the room desperately tried to run away from their attacker. Lauren cradled Camila's head as they both skunk down against the wall, too scared of what would happen if they ran away.

"Ladies ladies please. I am in need of a volunteer." He made a big show of doing a bow laughing all the while.

The girls in the classroom stared at him unmoving.

"Alright I guess I'll have to pick my own then."

Lauren buried her head into Camila's shoulder once the screaming started up again.

The man re entered the hallway dragging a small girl behind him. She was fighting back as much as she could, but she was no match for him. Grabbing her blonde pony tail he held her steady.

"Easy there sweetie, I'm not going to hurt you." He looked over her head and held eye contact with Camila. Shivering she averted her eyes as fast as possible.

Dragging the girl closer he pressed the gun back into Camila's forehead.
"Get up," he hissed. Lauren struggling to stand pulled Camila up with her.

He slung the large gun back around his back still holding tight to the small girl. Out of his back pocket he took out a small hand gun.
The girl shrieked as he shoved her to the floor. He traded her for Lauren, holding the pretty girl close to his chest. Camila was close to tears again she didn't want Lauren to die anyone but her.

He placed the hand gun against Lauren's skull smiling while he did it. Taking the large gun off his back he kicked it over to Camila.

"Sweetie I'll give you a choice. If you shoot the kid I'll let your girlfriend go free, other wise her blood will make a nice addition to these walls don't you think?"





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