18 | 𝖥 𝖱 𝖴 𝖲 𝖳 𝖱 𝖠 𝖳 𝖤 𝖣

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My phone alarm buzzed against the nightstand as I groggily pulled myself from bed, instantly regretting my previous decision

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My phone alarm buzzed against the nightstand as I groggily pulled myself from bed, instantly regretting my previous decision.

This had to be done for my peace of mind, and my safety I repeated in my head hoping for some courage.

I changed into some black cargos, a black bodysuit, and my signature leather jacket before slipping on the first pair of shoes I found.

The street was almost empty as I walked the couple blocks to reach my car, I guess the usual person would be at work right now instead of plotting ways to inflict death.

Maybe that's a little morbid of a mindset.

It took me around forty-five minutes to navigate the streets to his office and I arrived around ten. Making a fairly easy decision I began to do a little research on him and this office by first hacking into the cameras, which should've been a little harder.

There were five cameras in total, two sat in corridors, one in the main lobby, and then one at the back and front of the building. Upon further inspection, Bailey was most definitely there today as he was very active on the cameras.

Picking up my phone I dialed the front desk as I watched her pick up the phone on the second ring. "Hello, this is Miranda speaking from Bailey & Associates. How can I help you?" she replied in a voice too cheery to be considered legitimate.

"I was wondering when the office was out to lunch. I have a bill that I need to process and not enough time to do it now. I wanted to make sure you weren't closed when I was on lunch." I say in a voice that reflects my concern about my late bill.

"Well the office is closed from eleven to twelve-thirty." she says, "Oh. Well, I'll have to run in one day after work then. Thank you anyways." I reply, "Anytime, ma'am.".

Now knowing my time slot I began to dig up all of the information I could on Martin Bailey. Which only burned thirty minutes as the curiosity of the turned-off burner burnt a hole through my back pocket.

I temporarily turned it on to see if I had any notifications, especially since it could be tracked here but they wouldn't make it in time.

A few missed calls and messages from Nadia instantly hit my phone, but nothing from Greyson.


Ivy, please. I'm sorry for whatever happened.
Aiden brought Kendra over clearly distraught about you leaving.
I've never seen Grey this frustrated and upset.
Please, I'm begging you.

It didn't matter how much pleading she did or how frustrated Grey was right now. He said what he said and I didn't plan on going back.

I shut my burner off once again

I sit in silence for the rest of the time before I watch the last car leave in the parking lot, opening back up my computer I shut down the cameras and enter the building.

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