5 | 𝖥 𝖤 𝖠 𝖱

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The rays of morning light illuminated the bed casting warmth I didn't know I needed

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The rays of morning light illuminated the bed casting warmth I didn't know I needed. There on the other side of the bed lay Grey, his tousled hair, his sculpted jawline, and how he looked content almost happy. His eyes slowly flutter awake as if he realizes that I'm watching him, "You feeling any better?" he asks, "I've been better, but I guess okay." I shrug. A knock sounds at the door, "It's Louisa." her voice chimes from behind the door.

"Come in." Grey calls.

She enters the room with the same black bag on her shoulder and a more rested version of the last night. "Okay, so let's take a look," she says as I awkwardly reposition allowing her to remove the bandages. "Okay doll, you're going to have to trust me. The wound needs to be stitched up." she calmly says as I can feel the panic rise in my chest, "Ivy, are you okay?" Grey asks concerned.

"You can't just like let it do its own thing? Or even just tape it?" I try to reason, "It's really for the best if we stitch it up." she finishes looking at me for confirmation.

"Just do it." my voice cracks, she removes a syringe from her bag and thumps it, "This will just pinch," she says using a wipe to sterilize the area. When she begins to insert it I can't help but squirm away as a helpless cry escapes my lips, Grey notices my discomfort and slides underneath me so I'm on his chest.

"Continue." I whisper intently watching her, Grey moves my head with his thumb to face him, "Stop. Looking at it only makes it worse." he soothes. I fight the urge to look back at the stitches, "What's your favorite food?" he asks catching me off guard.

"What?" I ask, "What's your favorite food?" he answers again, I stop and think for a minute as he looks down at my thigh and I do the same. He tightens one of his arms around mine and uses his other hand to secure my good thigh, "I guess maybe any kind of pasta or noodles." I wince. "Almost done," Louisa mutters as I fight against the palm of his hand, suddenly I can feel the needle pierce in and out of my skin, I bury my head in Grey's chest as he loosens me. "Look it's okay she's done." Grey says allowing me to stay where I am.

"I'm so sorry doll." Louisa says as I mutter some words that I don't know myself.

She finally leaves and I look down at my thigh, "Oh it's so ugly." I cry, "Nothing about you is ugly." he assures me, "Painkillers?" I ask, holding my hand out. He grabs the bottle and two out as I frown, "I can measure my own medicine." I reason, "You couldn't last night." Grey rebounds.

"Okay. A new day a new me." I add popping the pills, "That sounds bipolar." he sarcastically says, "I don't want to hear it from you." I finish playfully shoving him.

"On a higher note, is there any food here?" I ask, "Only the best, courtesy of Maura Santiago." he says helping me to my feet. We slowly make our way out of the bedroom and into the kitchen where we are greeted by Maura, "What can I get you?" she smiles, "Anything edible." I say limping over.

"How about some hashbrown casserole?" she asks as I return a simple nod, "Which way is the bathroom?" I ask Grey, "First door on the right.". I limp my way over to the bathroom but get distracted by a painted portrait, assumably of the D'Angelos but as children.

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