Chapter 11- I was still lucky

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Saturday night came around fast! I hadn't spoken to Nikki since that night with Lita, from what I had heard they were definitely still together.  I decided to wear this all in one denim piece, I didn't want to look like I was trying to hard, as I knew a guy like David was used to that all the time. 

Pic for reference (obvs with brown hair)-

Pic for reference (obvs with brown hair)-

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"Playing it cool I see." Daniel winked at me as I walked into our living room.

"You know me." I laughed taking a swig of vodka.

"I'm going to go out with Motley tonight, so if anything happens you know where to find us."

"I'll be fine!"


Dave picked me up and we went to this really fancy restaurant, it was safe to say I felt very under dressed which I hated. 

"How do you look so effortlessly beautiful?" He was in awe.

"Oh stop!" I laughed blushing slightly.

"So Dove, how are you finding this rockstar lifestyle?" 

"It's everything I could of dreamt of." I smiled.

"So you've always wanted to do this?" He takes a sip of his drink.

"For as long as I can remember, in fact Van Halen inspired me a lot." I winked.

"Glad we could be of service babe!" 

The rest of the date went well, honestly Dave seemed like a really nice guy, I wouldn't mind if we ended up dating.


We decided to meet up with the boys and party.

When we got to The Rainbow, all the guys were there, No Lita though- Thank fuck.

"Oh wow I didn't see you there Dove, I don't think I've ever seen you look so sophisticated on a night out before!" Tommy laughs.

"It was a last minute choice!" I roll my eyes laughing.

Nikki was giving us the evils the entire time we were sat there. What was his problem? He would flaunt Lita at me all the time. 

A tall guy with dark hair and a British accent walked in front of our table.

"You guys all right?" He asked.

Every one looked a bit awkward.. 

"Oh I'm Razzle, Hanoi Rocks. We're touring the states for the first time mate." 

"Well then sit down! Join us." I smile. 

"Ooo another brit?!" He gasped sitting down.

"She's not the only one." Daniel laughs.

Rockstar kind of love// Nikki SixxWhere stories live. Discover now