Chapter 4 new leather jacket

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I woke up to nearly no memory of the night before and still in last nights dress. My head was pounding and my mouth was dry. I turned to see Nikki laid next to me. I sat up and was trying to think if we did anything last night.

"Don't worry, we didn't do anything. I tried to sleep on the couch but you didn't feel well and wanted me to stay with you."

"Oh right, um thanks." I smiled. That was very sweet of him but I dread to think of what I could of said last night. Mine and Daniels apartment was also so gross and messy as usual.

"How's your head?" he asked sitting up.

"Oh, its..." I reached up to feel something on my head.

"I cleaned it up and put a plaster on it last night." he smirked.

"You know, you really didn't have to do all that." I laugh.

"I know but since we are touring in a week, I thought I better play nice." he winked

"Well thank you, it means a lot."


There was an awkward silence, because it was an awkward situation. I had heard of Nikki Sixx being this womanizer who would fuck groupies with no emotion and was a a bit of a dick, but this guy seemed like a completely different person.

"I'm going to get a glass of water, would you like one?" I asked.

"Yeah sure, I'll come too."

We walk into the living room to see Tommy, Vince and Daniel all spread from the sofas to the floor. I couldn't help but laugh. Why was Daniel on the sofa when his bedroom was down the hall? lol.

"Watch this" I devilishly smirk at Nikki.

I grab a bottle of Vodka from the counter and start pouring it in Daniels open snoring mouth. He wakes ups up dry heaving and pushes the bottle out of my hand making it land on Vince's head.

"Ow fuck!" Vince snaps awake.

Causing Tommy to wake up instantly and randomly yell "Im sweet!"

It was like a trail of dominos and me and Nikki were in hysterics.

"Nice to know you survived Dove." Vince laughs.

"It would take a lot more than than a concussion to kill her trust me... Ive tried." Daniel snickers.

Which causes me to throw a loaf of bread at him. It was the closest thing next to me okay.

"Tommy why was the first thing you said when you woke up 'I'm sweet'?" Nikki mocked.

"Dude I have no fucking clue." Everyone laughed.

We debated going to breakfast with the guys but decided I better go to the doctors to get my head properly cleaned and bandaged, we didn't want anything going wrong before the tour.

From that night, I could tell that this tour was going to be crazy. I needed all the rest and time to myself that I could get this week, so I didn't go out. The only exception was some much needed shopping with my best friend Cheryl. Daniel on the other hand had become a fifth member of Motley practically.

Daniels POV

Finally. My turn!

I was out with the boys one night, we were in this random strip club that I hadn't been to before and Dove was at home. Me and Vince had become quite close, we had a lot in common, and he was becoming my best friend.

"So Danny boy, what do you think of Sixx dating your 'sister'?" Vince laughed as we all sat round a table.

"Shut the fuck up Vince, you know that's not happening." Nikki snapped.

Rockstar kind of love// Nikki SixxWhere stories live. Discover now