Chapter 3- The start of it all

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Nikkis POV

I could see the shock on her face, and actually felt a bit bad for her- what a way for us to ruin her high. I could see her try and subtly sniff it down her throat, while Doc was talking to her. If I was in her position I would of thought that I had fucked up too. The worry was written all over her face and normally me being the dick that I am, would of found it funny, however I couldn't fight the urge to ease her mind.

"Doc doesn't care about that stuff, so err you don't need to worry." I smiled.

She looked as if I had just thrown her a lifeline while she was drowning at sea. The slow breath out she took, and the relief and calmness on her face was breath taking.

"Oh thanks for letting me know, me and Doc are going to get along very well then." She laughed.

She played it off cool. Well done to her.

Doc continued to talk about business stuff and I could see her trying to concentrate as the coke hit her, she kept looking over at me and smirking. I smirked back, it was like we were talking to each other without words. Never the less, they agreed on Doc becoming their manager, and after that he left.

"So the infamous Motley Crue, Thanks for having us on your tour. " Daniel splurged.

"It honestly does mean a lot, this is our first time doing anything like this. Um I'm Dove, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't know your names already" she rambled.

"She's rambling, because she's already had her line. I think its our turn don't you boys?" Daniel winked in his British accent.

"Definitely!" Vince yells and then snorts his line- handing it to me.

I could see her eyes shifting to me as I leant down and sniffed the line.

Doves POV

He looked like some sort of Rock god, the way he sniffed that line was so sexy. I wanted to see more of him and to get to know him of course.

"What do you say we all head out and get this party really started?" Tommy grinned.

"A pre tour party?" I grinned back.

"Sounds perfect to me." Vince winked. In the corner of my eye I saw Nikki glare at him.

"I'll stay out for a bit." Mick said in his blunt voice.

"Strip club?" Daniel asked.

"Woah, how does Dove feel about that, aren't you too like dating?" Tommy blurted out.

Kinda perfect as I wanted to make sure Nikki knew I was single.

"Ew!" me and Daniel said simultaneously, causing everyone to give each other confused looks.

"You seriously aren't dating?" Nikki finally spoke again

"Fuck no, she is like my little sister, it would be too weird on so many levels." Daniel laughed.

"Yep we grew up together, it would be really odd, plus he's really annoying... and he smells." I chuckled.

Causing the whole group to laugh as Daniel hits my arm.


We were walking to the strip club and I was certainly feeling the effects of all the alcohol I had drank before we left. I had about a third of a bottle of gin left, which Tommy dared me to down. I managed it all but didn't think of the repercussions. I should of known I couldn't keep up with guys twice the size of me.

"Hey Dove, you can't even walk in a straight line." Vince laughed.

As I turned around to look at him, I tripped on my own feet, and who was there to catch me? Not even one of them. I face planted onto the concrete.

"Fuck!" I winced grabbing my forehead.

"Jesus, are you okay?" Nikki bent down beside me.

"Here let me look at it." Daniel says moving my hand away from my face.

"Thanks a lot Vince." I slurred.

"Hey, thats not on me- Tommy is the one who dared you to drink all that gin." Vince put his hands up.

"Shit, your bleeding." Daniel muttered.

"I-im fine Daniel." I couldn't sound more drunk I tried.

"You clearly aren't fucking fine Dove! You've cracked your head open, I'm so fed up of you drinking stupid amounts and not being able to hack it." He yelled at me.

"Just st-stop it. I can't be bothered for you to ruin my night." I muttered.

"Oh because I'm the one who is 'ruining' the night." he said sarcastically.

The members of the crue were a bit shocked but also intrigued, like a car crash they just couldn't look away.

"All I need is a glass of water, a pizza and some ice for my head and I'll be fine. We can continue the party."

"What you need is to go to hospital, which is once again ruining my night."

"So you think I should go to hospital, we are talking about me right? So I need to go to hospital and you find a way to make it about your fucking self- you really are talented you fucking cunt!"

"Woah woah woah, hey come on that's not nice." Nikki grabs me and helps me stand up straight.

"He started it, besides I don't need a fucking hospital, I just need to-" I could feel the street spin around me and I knew what was coming next. I hurl all over the pavement. I immediately start crying, as I do whenever I throw up. Nikki held my hair back and rubbed my back as a threw up even more.

"Thats it, get it all out."

"I-im sorry guys." I cry more.

"She just needs to go home I think." Tommy says feeling guilty.

"I guess I will have to fucking take her." Daniel says pissed off.

"No! You stay, I don't want to ruin your night." I plead.

"Dove, I'm not going to leave you here." he laughs but is definitely pissed off.

"I'll be fine, you said it yourself that your fed up of it."

"How about you guys go on, I will take her home." Nikki says.

Daniel pulls Nikki aside and said something I couldn't hear.

Nikkis POV

I only offered because I felt bad for not just her but Daniel also- he was equally as drunk and for once I was the most sober there. Yeah Dove was hot, but I am not about taking advantage of blacked out girls.

"No funny business?" Daniel slurred.

"Of course not man. I'm doing you the favour, thanks to my high tolerance- I am practically sober. It's no bother."

"Good because if anything happens to her- I'll fucking kill you." he whispered with a smirk on his face.

I just scoffed and smiled back. He is just protecting her as he should. Thats definitely one thing we could agree on.

"Where am I taking her again?"

"Oh yeah its 66 Dhalehead Drive. Its like a 15 minute walk, or you can get a taxi. She has the keys" Daniel stated.

"Okay thanks. Right come on princess puke." I shouted.

Realising she couldn't walk on her own, I jogged over to her, wrapping my arm around her.

"Never call me that again." she slurred laughing.

"I think we better get a taxi." I laughed.

She just hiccuped as a response. She's actually quite cute, I thought to myself.

Authors note- I did not expect that turn, it just happened lol. Maybe she will make it to the strip club next time. So who's fault Vince or Tommys? How sweet of Nikki to offer to take her back and very unlike him. I wonder what the boys will think about it...

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