24: Tissues and ice cream

Start from the beginning

My phone nearly dropped from my hands, and I read the message again to make sure I wasn't seeing things. Hailey had an eating disorder? I couldn't believe it, it was impossible. She loved food so much, and had a large appetite. The girl who ate two or more cheeseburgers for lunch couldn't possibly have an ED, she didn't seem like someone who was conscious about her weight.

Hold on, my mind started to backtrack. The day at the field, when those girls had asked Hailey if she gained weight, and the expression on her face afterwards. Oh my God, I covered my mouth with my palm, that's why their demeanour changed, and why Ben suddenly looked so worried.

I remembered their conversation in front of the bathroom too, when Ben asked her if she was going to let a few words make her lose all that hard work. A thought crossed my mind and my eyes widened in horror, Hailey had gone to the bathroom and Ben followed her almost immediately, it was like he knew what she was going to do. I recalled seeing her wipe at her mouth and a chill ran down my spine.

She went to throw up her food.

I gripped my phone tight, a sudden realization washing over me. I noticed that Hailey's food intake had slightly reduced after that day, but I shrugged it off, not thinking much of it. She must have been triggered by the comment from that girl. I was positive that this was why Ben never said anything whenever Hailey stole food from his plate, there were even moments when he gently encouraged her to finish her food when she pushed her plate forward without eating the rest.

This was what Hailey wasn't ready to talk about, also when I asked Adam about Ben and Hailey during the volleyball match this was what he must have been talking about. I suddenly felt angry at Adam, how could he expose her just like that after when he told me that day? Being drunk wasn't an excuse, why was he drinking anyway?

Another message entered and I looked at my phone.

Hailey: Now everyone's going to be talking about me in school, I hope you're happy Adam.

Hailey: Don't come near me today, or tomorrow or the next, I don't even wanna look at you.

Adam: Just please let me explain.

Hailey: I don't give two fucks about your explanation.

Ben: Hailey that's enough, you don't have to listen to him.

Ben: Everything's going to be fine okay? Don't leave your house yet, I'm on my way.

A smile crept onto my lips despite the situation, Ben was so sweet.

Ben: And Jackson, I'll smash your face in if I see you.

Kamilah: I'm so confused right now.

Kamilah: Hailey calm down, Ben enough with the threats, and Adam what the hell were you thinking?

I jumped out of bed and ran to my closet to pick out my outfit, thinking about the chaos that was about to happen in school. I had to get to school fast, for Hailey.

I sent a text to Adam before going into the shower.

Me: What have you done dude?

His reply came soon after.

Adam: I messed up Zee, I'm so screwed.


I didn't have to look very far when Zayd pulled into the school's parking lot. There was a small crowd of students watching something and I followed their gazes to Adam's car, I spotted him a few feet away from his car. He stumbled back as if someone pushed him and Ben came into view, his fists were clenched at his sides and he looked like he was about to lunge at Adam, someone quickly stepped in between them; Kamilah.I craned my neck to see more as Zayd parked the car, I finally saw Hailey standing behind Ben, glaring at Adam, even from where I was I could see the tears streaming down her face.

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