Taehyung joined in, the shared laughter providing a brief respite. However, the mirth caught the attention of Jungkook, who stumbled along the path. Seeing Taehyung and Bogum laughing together, a flicker of jealousy crossed Jungkook's expression.

Taehyung spotted Jungkook and, intending to reassure him, started walking toward them. But Jungkook, caught off guard by the laughter and perhaps a hint of insecurity, took a few steps backward, avoiding Taehyung's approach.

Taehyung (called out, confused): "Jungkook, what's wrong?"

Jungkook (still backing away, mumbled): "Nothing. Just... enjoying the view."

Bogum (catching on, smirked): "Looks like someone's feeling a bit left out, Tae."

Taehyung (chuckled, realizing Jungkook's jealousy): "Come on, Kook. It's just a laugh. You know you're the one I love."

Jungkook, his brows furrowed, remained silent, the anger in his eyes refusing to dissipate. Taehyung, sensing the need to break the ice, reached out and grabbed Jungkook's hand. However, Jungkook pulled away abruptly, causing Taehyung's phone to slip from his grasp and splash into the nearby pond.

A collective gasp echoed as both Jungkook and Bogum stared in shock at the phone now submerged in water. Taehyung's frustration boiled over, directed at Jungkook.

Taehyung: "Seriously, Jungkook? What's your problem?"

Jungkook (realizing the gravity of the situation, stammered): "I didn't mean to... I just..."

Bogum (chimed in): "Well, that escalated quickly."

Taehyung (seething with anger, shot a stern look at Jungkook): "This is ridiculous, Kook. I can't believe you'd let your jealousy lead to this."

Jungkook (remorseful, attempted to explain): "Tae, it's not about that. I just..."

Taehyung (unwilling to hear more, cut him off): "I don't want to hear it. This is too much."

With a heavy heart, Taehyung turned away and left the scene, leaving Jungkook standing there, a mix of sadness and regret etched on his face. The realization of his actions sinking in, Jungkook glanced at Bogum, who could only offer a sympathetic look as they both watched Taehyung disappear from sight.


As the car zoomed towards Mr

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As the car zoomed towards Mr. Sin's office, Suga glanced at Jimin, who looked like he had swallowed a bag of nerves.

Suga: "Hey, Jimin, relax! It's just a meeting, not a lion's den."

Jimin (fidgeting with his tie): "I know, but what if Mr. Sin is like a lion in a suit?"

Suga (smirked): "Well, I'll be your lion tamer. Just follow my lead."

Suga handed Jimin a stress ball shaped like a globe.

Suga: "Here, squeeze this if you feel the world collapsing. It helps."

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