Do I Make You Happy?

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Lena's POV

After a hard day at work, I come back to the noisy house that I love. That house that Stef and I turn into a home, our home. I had begged Stef to buy this house... I could see every little part of our life since the first time I step a foot in it. I could already see back then, how happy we would be, and that's what I told Stef to convince her, along with dragging her here every chance I got just to show her how wonderful it could be. Stef being the person that always wanted to make me happy, gave in pretty easily and I loved her for that. She knew it was important for me, and I knew she was going to love it. I was right... we've been so happy in this house, it felt so good to rise our kids here.

Yet I manage to put that at risk. God, what is wrong with me?

I walk in, and I'm greet with my children, more affectionate than usual for some reason who one by one were getting upstairs. I know that Stef and me having problem is not lost on them, no matter how hard we try to spare them. But unfortunately, we are seven living in this house so it's rather complicated to keep anything from anyone.

I walk into the kitchen where I surprisingly find Stef looking through the kitchen window, a place that I kind of feel conflicted about sometimes....

"Oh hey. What are you doing here?" I ask for usually, I get home earlier than her. She looked up at me like I just snapped her out of her thought.

"I see you're still not happy to see me." she attacks yet again, but tonight I wasn't in the mood for another fight as I just sigh and say nothing for, everything I say either I say it wrong, or I shouldn't have said it at all...

When I didn't respond, I saw her frown her eyebrows, but I don't pay much attention to it and go grab me a plate even though I don't have any appetite right this moment. However, I don't want to get sick again and worry Stef or the kids, so I'll force myself.

"Everything okay?" I hear my wife say in a much softer voice.

"Yes, why?" I ask for one second ago she most defiantly didn't have that voice.

"Just checking." She says briefly as I finish putting food in my plate. I'm wondering why she just don't go upstairs since it doesn't seem she wants to see me giving her reaction when I had just asked why she was home early.

But I don't say anything and just sit at my usual spot as the silence grow between us.

"I called in sick today." She says as I looked up from my plate.

"Why? You don't seem sick." I say for even when she fakes it, I know when she's really sick or not.

"Oh, so you're a doctor now, huh?" she says with a joking tone for once, instead of the passive aggressive style I usually get these days.

"No but I know you. You have this cute look on your face when you're really sick but are too proud to ask for cares." I say smiling softly for I kinda of love when she's sick, I mean not sick, sick but when she has a little flue for example because in those moment, she let me take care of her, like get her food in bed and stuff like that and I love that, I also think that deep down she loves that too.

"Oh please, who looks cute when they're sick?" she says for she's still struggling with compliment and I don't think that would ever change, I guess it's in her nature.

"You for started, and does that mean that I don't look cute when I'm sick?" I tease as she smiles at me a little for, she knows I just got her on that one.

"I'm going to stay mute on that one." she teases as I pretend to gasp, and act hurt as she can't help but laugh. And then when our laughs fade away, the silence again as I look into her soft eyes. They are gray today and not that hard like this morning.

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