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Chapter 10

TW⚠️ Surprises, Love.

The next morning Lexus was laying in Eric's bed asleep, She heard the water running and slowly opened her eyes and yawned.

Lex sat up and checked the time before grabbing Eric's shirt on the floor and putting it on well laying back down, Eric Laughed and walked over to the bed and planted a kiss on Lexus is head.

She looked up at him as he pressed his lips to her's, " Morning sleepyhead" He said as she sat up and got on top of him.

" Morning" Lex said while Eric rubbed her thighs.

Eric smirked at her, " It sounded hot hearing you scream my name last night" He said laughing as she got off of him and walked over to the other side of the bed and picked up her clothes.

" Ha ha very funny" Lex said as Eric got up and walked over to her.

" Ill see you at the meeting room?" He said while kissing her.

Lex nodded while not breaking the kiss....

" Or should we go for round two?" Eric joked.

Lexus laughed and slowly walked away while Eric followed her to the door, Before Lex left she turned to make eye contact with him.

" Eric what are we" She said straight up.

Eric smiled put his arms around her neck, " We're something that no one can break" He said while Lex smiled at his response.

" Unless you mess around with one of your side pieces" Lex joked while Eric scoffed and kissed the top of her head.

" Not a chance, Now go before you turn me on" He said while slapping her bottom part.

Lex laughed and pushed him away as she walked to her dorm, Eric smiled and shut his door...

When Lexus got into her dorm she immediately went right to the bathroom and started to shower, Once she was done in the nice warm shower she got changed all in black before heading out to the meeting room.

Lexus and Eric were sitting there talking about random things, They both laughed with each other and just enjoyed each other.

Eric then looked at his watch and looked back up at her, " Jeanine wants me to head down to her office, But i will be back so i can shower with you" He joked as he kissed Lex and walked away.

Lex smiled and got up before cleaning up there area and leaving the meeting room, As she walked down the hallway she noticed Four standing there holding onto Tris.

Lex whistled at the two and instantly made them let go and look at her, "What's all this?" She said while walking towards them.

Four sent a awkward smile to his sister, "  Um.. I was just telling Tris about some things that will help her gain muscle" He said while Tris nodded.

"Muscle? Ya okay and i was telling Eric about how much of a bitch he is" Lex joked standing in front of the two.

Tris laughed awkwardly, "Lex i don't want you to feel like i used you to be closer to Four, We just feel the same way about each other" She said.

Four looked at his sister as Lex shrugged her shoulders, " You didn't have to make a big speech Tris, Could've just said y'all were dating. But i already knew something was going on between you two just like the way me and Eric are" She laughed.

Tris is mouth opened in shock, " Your what?! You guys are together? Like together together?" Tris said while smiling.

" Yes Tris, Together Together" Lexus said while smiling.

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