The Test

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Chapter 11

Lexus, Eric, And Four walked into Jeanines office, Jeanine turned and smiled at the three.

" Welcome Dauntless leaders, As you may know that i have had a incident with divergents. I will be doing a full sweep at each faction including Dauntless, You have 3 weeks to do practice tests till the final test" Jeanine said while putting down her cup of tea and smiling at Lex.

" Lexus is it?" Jeanine asked.

Lex smirked, " It's been a Long time since i saw you Jeanine, Would say you look younger but you still look like the same bitch from a year ago" She said while having a stare down with Jeanine.

Jeanine laughed, " So how's your mother, Oh right.. She's dead" The woman said.

Lexus smiled, " Ya Jeanine, I miss my mother every single day. And i wanted to ask you the same thing about your daughter, How is she doing? Oh , wait ya i forgot that she's divergent that's why she didn't fit in at Dauntless. That's the reason why you killed her right?" Lex snapped as Jeanine raised her eyebrow.

" I would never hurt my child, None like you just like her mother. Your mother died for a reason Lexus, She died because she was weak! Like you" Jeanine said as she took a few steps towards Lex.

Lex took a few steps to Jeanine, Lexus then grabbed Jeanine by the hair and punched her in the face.

Jeanine held her nose, " Get her out of her, NOW!!" She yelled as two body guards grabbed her and walked her outside.

Four looked at Jeanine and walked out, Eric stood there and smirked at Jeanine before following Four.

Lexus wiggled through the guards, " Get off of me!! God d didn't your mother ever tell you not to put your hands on a woman" She said while walking to the car and getting in.

Eric and Four nodded at the Guards and got in as well, Eric climbed over to his girlfriend.

" Jeanine is gonna be on your ass now" Eric said while fixing himself.

" So? Jeanine thinks i will let her walk all over me? Uhh no it's not the 1950s" Lex said while leaning her head on his shoulder.

Four laughed, " She's gonna be on you now Lex" He said.

Lexus shrugged her shoulders as she sat up and hopped out of the car when they arrived back at Dauntless, Eric grabbed onto her as they both went walking into the Intuits Room.

" Attention!! There Will be a full sweep from faction to faction due to Divergents, The Test Starts in 3 Weeks so there for we will be doing Practice Tests on you guys before the Final test. Starting tomorrow all you guys will be going down to the infirmary to the testing room to start your practice, So i suggest you all get some sleep and be ready for tomorrow!!" Eric Yelled while Lexus made eye contact with Peter.

" And if you fail your name will be off of the scoreboard and your place will be given to someone else" Lexus added while giving Peter and his Friends the death stare.

Peters face went into immediate anger, " So what if we aren't divergent do we get our spot back? Or do we have to earn it back somehow if we are divergent" Peter said while looking at Lexus.

Lex laughed, " Divergent or not Peter you will have to re-try to earn your spot back on the ranking score board, And if your weaker then before then you will be lower, If not and your higher then bravo looks like i taught you a few things or two. NOW GET TO BED!! ALL OF YOU!!" She snapped as she walked out along with Eric and Max.

Peter stood there as the lights went out, He turned to his friends.

" If she wants to fuck around with my ranking the bitch is gonna pay" He said while going to his bed.

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