Run Aways

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Chapter 12

Lex opened her eyes and rubbed them, Eric then woke up and moved over to Lexus.

" Morning" He said as he wrapped his arms around her exposed body.

Lexus laughed and kissed his head, " Morning" She said while then sitting up and throwing on a shirt that was laying on the floor.

Eric rolled over and laid there, " Test results should be up today" He said while yawning.

Lex smiled and walked over to the bathroom, " Can't wait" She said sarcastically as she turned on the shower.

Eric laughed and walked over to her, Lex took off the shirt and got into the shower.

Eric then grabbed onto her in the shower, Lexus smiled and kissed him while they showered together.

Lexus and Eric stood there looking at the results, Eric passed, Four passed, Tris Passed, Lex passed, And everyone else except Al.

Lex looked back towards the group and smiled, " So, Here's the results from yesterdays test. Unfortunately we found no divergents but someone did fail, So Al. Would you please step forward" Max said.

Eric stood there and crossed his hands in the front of him as Al came up to the front, Al looked scared and worried.

Eric then tapped Al on the shoulder, " Looks like if you want to your spot back you will have to get re-tested, Or unless you fight someone for there spot" He said while giving a cheeky smile.

Lexus immediately turned to Peter as he was laughing with Will, " HEY!! You two wanna keep on laughing and find out what's going to happen with your spots? Well let me break it down for you, I WILL TAKE ONE OF YOU OUT AND PUT AL FOR YOUR REPLACEMENT, NOW SHUT UP BEFORE I MAKE A DECISION!" She yelled as the Two boys stared at her in shock.

Peter scoffed, " You can't do that you ain't even leader" He said while making Eric stare at him.

" Oh, Is that what you think? I'm not leader... Well Peter ima show you what kind of leader i am" ,Lex said as she walked up to him, " Get out of my faction, And get out of Al's Spot" She said before walking away.

Peter grinned his teeth and walked off with Will and AL, Eric laughed as him and Max started to talk.

Eric and Lex were laying on the bed watching a movie, They sat there and laughed .

Eric got up and walked over to the freezer, He opened it and grabbed an empty container.

" Babe you wanna go get ice, I'll start cooking something" He said while she got up and walked over to him.

" Fine" She said while pressing there lips together and walked out.

Lex was walking down the hallway to the ice machine, She was coming out the bridge Until someone grabbed her.

Lexus started kicking as three guys tried to throw her off the cliff, Lex grabbed onto the wall and held her self so they wouldn't throw her off.

Lex then turned around and pulled off the black mask on the guy, Will was standing there and let go of her.

Another one came and pushed her on the ground, Lex held her belly and looked up to see The guy remove his mask.

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