Mother hood

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Chapter 6

TW⚠️ Details

It's been a week since Lexus left her dorm, She felt so sick she was throwing up every morning and mostly during the day.

Lexus was in somewhat pain around her abdomen and stomach, All she could do is stay in bed and watch movies. She was also having all sorts of emotions, Sometimes she would be Sad, Then Mad, Then wanting to be loved by someone.

But anyways she was laying on her bed soon as there was a knock at her door..She groaned in annoyance as the door opened and Tris walked in and sat on the edge of her bed.

" Hey!!! How you feeling?" Tris said while smiling.

Lex sighed, " I feel the same!!" She said while looking at Tris.

Tris laughed lightly and looked at the girl to question her, " So listen... You have been sick for a while now like wouldn't you think if it was a stomach bug it will be gone by now?" The girl questioned.

Lexus nodded and smiled, " Ya... I mean i have been feeling like this for the past 4 weeks but it just had gotten worse Last week" She told the girl while resting her head back.

Tris looked concerned, " Wait actually?.. That long ago?".

Lex looked at her and nodded before her face turned into a worried look.

Tris looked shocked, " When was the last time you and Peter slept together?".

Lexus laughed, " Idk.. 4-5 weeks ago?.." She said while turning her smile into a shocked face as well.

Tris gasped as she pulled Lexus out of bed and change her up and took her down to the infirmary..

Lexus was laying down on a bed and  while Tris sat down there holding onto Lex is hand, The old lady walked in and smiled at the two before sitting down and looking at them.

" Well... Turns out it ain't a stomach bug" The old lady laughed.

Tris and Lexus laughed and smiled at the lady, Before they could say anything the old lady interrupted them.

" But.. You are 3 weeks pregnant!!" She said in excitement.

Lexus and Tris is faces dropped and they both look scared and confused, " Wait what? Pregnant!!" Lex said while looking at the two back and forth.

Tris started to smile and hugged Lexus, " I KNEW YOU WERE!!! Ahhhh congratulations!" She said while almost crying.

" I will leave you to for a moment so you guys can have some privacy" The old lady said before walking out.

Lexus started to shack her head in disbelief, " No.. No i.. I can't be have a baby Tris i.. I can't" She said while looking down disappointment.

Tris walked up to her and held her best friend's hand and smiled.

" You may not think that your ready but.. When you hear the first heartbeat and see how they look.. You will change your mind trust me, But.. For now it's your decision. And you are gonna tell Peter and Four right?".

Lexus nodded at her and smiled, " Ya... I mean i have to.. Especially my brother though he needs to know" She said while laughing.

Tris laughed with the girl as they both got up and got some paperwork filled out and some proof that she is pregnant, They had a pregnancy test just for proof and a paper stating that she is and that she is scheduled in for a ultrasound  in 2 days..

Once the two were done with all the paperwork they decided to head up to Fours dorm to tell him First...

Lexus and Tris knocked on Fours dorm door and waited there for him to answer.

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