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Chapter 2

TW⚠️ Some blood

Four and Eric were standing at the fighting mats and Started to explain how to properly fight and defend yourself when it comes to a fight, Four let out a breathe before speaking to the group, " So first things first is we are going to split all of you into partners.. Then with you partner you will go to each placement were the blue mats are and spare with your partner, If you do not like the partner we put you with well- "Four stopped as he got interrupted.

" Well to bad you will have to stick with them and show them what you got!" Eric said while stepping forward and scanning the group.

Eric looked at Four with a smirk as Four was about to call out and put them with there partners until Eric spoke, " You!... Girl with black hair partner up with douche bag over there... You! Boy with frosted tips get down and give me twenty then partner up with the tall brown haired girl!" Erick yelled out while still looking at the boy with frosted tips.

" I SAID GET DOWN AND GIVE ME TWENTY NOW!!" He raised his voice as the boy nodded and started doing pushups.

Four glared at him while Eric gave him a chuckle " What? You got something to say Tobi- " Before Eric could speak Four grabbed him by his jacket and pinned him to the wall, " If you ever call me that again.. I swear to god i'll break your f*ckn face! GOT THAT!!" Four yelled at him.

Eric stood his ground and pushed off Four while looking at the group with madness across his face, Eric walked to the other side of the fighting area and finished partnering up everyone. Four look confused that one boy didn't have a partner, Peter went walking towards Four, " Hey dude i don't have a partner?" Peter said while crossing his arms.

Four sighed and looked down for a second until a familiar voice spoke up, " I'll partner with him!!... Show him a little something or two!" Lexus said while walking towards them all bandaged up.

Peters eyes widened as he looked at the girl, Four shook his head while putting his hands on her shoulders. " What do you think your doing? Your supposed to be healing!" Four said while looking worried at his sister.

Lexus laughed, " I'm a fighter.. Not a quitter, When something knocks me down i always get back up.. you know that too Four" She said while walking over to the mat.

Lexus could feel Eric is stare but she didn't mind it, Peter followed her before speaking, " Listen um.. I'm sorry for being a d*ck to you yesterday, Its just i have this thing were if i see a hot girl umm.. Words just come out" He said while looking down and putting on his shoes.

Lexus smiled at him, " So you think i'm hot?" She said while leaning against the wall.

Peter looked up and seen her smiling at him, Peter gave a side smile " Yes.. I do think your hot", He said while standing up and walking towards her, " I think your very sexy too" Petter finished off while putting his hand on the wall to hover over her.

Lexus licked her lips and nodded as she looked up at him, " Well.. Thank you for the compliment" She said while taking a step forward until Peter grabbed her waist.

" Woah woah woah.. Where you trying to go so fast.. We just started something here, Am i right?" Peter says.

Lexus looked up at him and smiled, " Hmm did we.." She said.

Peter smiled and licked his lips, " Yes.. We did" he said while grabbing her face.

She smiled but looked away and frowned, Lexus didn't like to look at her face ever since last night. But if Peter did mind that then why should she?. She looked back at him and it's like he could read her mind, " Look.. I know you might not think that your pretty because of those bandages but.. I just think that there hiding the beauty.. I mean right now i'm looking at million bucks" He said making them both laugh.

The Unexpected [ Eric ]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz