Chapter 7: Dinos and Explination

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Adia POV:

I woke up to a sore body, I'm pretty sure that we christened the bed enough...

I realized that Winston and Curtis were gone. I walked downstairs, more like hobbled, to see Winston starting a fire.

"Good morning," I said. He looked up and smiled at me.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked. He set his fire and stepped up to hug me.

"I did, where's Curtis?" I asked.

"He went hunting for you," Winston answered me. He seemed very clingy. Then I realized that I hadn't checked where his mark was!

I looked at my arms and legs, then I realized I couldn't see it since I still had my dress on.

"My mark is right here," Winston pointed right under my right clavicle. " I saw it while cleaning you last night,".

"You cleaned me?" I asked while slowly turning into a tomato.

"Yes, I did," He said and brought me to the newly made fire. "Curtis should be back soon and I want to give you something," He added.

"Oh, what is it?" I asked he pulled a green glowing crystal out from somewhere.

"This is an emerald, it will prolong your life and keep you the same age for 10 years, consider it a mating gift," He told me after placing it in my hand. "Eat it,"

"Are you sure?" I asked hesitantly. I felt guilty for getting such a gift, I hate being dependent.

"Yes, it is a male's pride to take care of a female, especially one as beautiful as you, Adia," He murmured into my ear.

With that response, I put the Emerald into my mouth, it kind of melted like cotton candy would, except it had the same texture as cold, pure, water.

Winston kissed my cheek and at that moment Curtis walked in with a fully grown deer and a few eggs. "I see Winston gave you the Emerald," he said as he walked in.

"How'd you know Curtis?" I asked.

"I can smell it, I've eaten a few, it's why I look younger than my age," He said while skinning the freshly caught deer.

Once he finished he handed a large part to Winston for him to cook and then Curtis pulled out a package wrapped in leaves from who knows where. "What's that?" I asked.

"It's some fruit and edible grasses I could recall from my legacy," he told me.

I opened it and lo and behold, it was a few apple-looking fruits, broccoli, and some potatoes.

"Ooh! I love potatoes!" I exclaimed before picking up one and examining it.

"You like stone fruits? I figured you would be based on your food tastes," Curtis said while he kissed my cheek.

"I kind of want to explore today after eating," I told them. They gave each other a look before both aged.

After we ate our meal, I had more broccoli than meat as I haven't had veggies in quite a bit, we decided to head out to explore the woods and city areas.


After a short ride in Winston, we made it to the same clearing around the river as last time and followed it into the woods.

The woods around the city walls were covered in herbs I knew! I saw onions, ginger, garlic, fiddlehead ferns, a something that resembled a cabbage. Winston mentioned that some females loved this, especially apes and sheep. We took the foraged herbs with us.

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