Chapter 2: The dreams and Journey

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I realized I was in a dream. Looking at the gods of the Beast world. I was standing in the corner of the room, looking at them all.

Karuun and many other people sat at a large table with a map of the continent laid out.  "Karuun..." one god with yellow hair and tanned skin started "Why the hell would you bring Adia here?!?! I thought we all agreed. Bai would be the best suited for this!" He rages. He had spotted ears so maybe a leopard?

"Atlas... Adia can support herself and fend for herself, why did you want Bai anyways?" Karuun questioned him. Everyone was silent "Did you only like her for her looks? Make her an entertaining sight? Please do answer, I'd love for your answers, people!" Karuun added.

Everyone was silent and whispered to each other. "I agree, Adia reminds me much of my clan, she will survive well here, and not be a nuisance to our Beastmen." A male with blue-green hair and pale skin answers. He had a forked tongue flicking.

"Agreed Mylo, she's a hunter in her home world, she's more than capable of being here!" another god replied. He had blackish-blue hair and distinguished wolf ears on his head.

"On to another point, we should send Bai Qingqing home, she does not belong here and needs to go back, we're going to be discovered if we don't..." a god with ram horns and white curly hair said. 

I sat back and watched them talk about the clansman, and how they were doing. Some talked about a drought in the region, some talked about how they needed more females. Once they all left-

I woke up soon after

I opened my eyes to the sun pouring into the cave and the fire has been put out over time. I packed All of my bags and attached my bow rolled-up sleeping bag to my backpack. I ate half of my trail mix as breakfast and decided to hike West. Something just felt right about it. I tucked the rest of my trail mix into my bag and set out to find a village of some sort.


I think I hiked around 15 to 20  miles based on how my feet felt like. It started to rain a bit ago and now it's pouring down rain and it's probably not gonna stop anytime soon. I ran until I found a cave and I dashed in to see a large red snake laying there, taking what looks to be a nap.

I slowly tried walking out until it turned into a half-human and picked me up with its tail before I could leave. "Who are you and what are you doing here, female?" He asked me. He had blood-red eyes and matching hair. He had 4 stripes on his neck.

"I was taking cover from the rain, my name is Adia," I answered. He looked outside at the rain and saw it pouring outside.

"Why are you alone, where are your males at?" He questioned.

"I don't have any males, I left my village a long time ago to explore, find what's outside of it," I lied.

"What's with these strange clothes? What is their purpose?" he asked. I looked down and realized he was talking about the camouflage I was wearing.

"It's meant to help me blend into the woods, be unseen. A lot of wild animals are color blind and don't see as many colors as us, so we use this to help us blend in and help us hunt," I answered truthfully. He seemed surprised at the idea of me hunting.

"Why don't you stay here while the rain lets up? This area is known to have flash floods and can be dangerous to people caught in them." he offered. I nodded and sat down on the cold and hard cave floor.

"When do you think the rain will let up? I still want to head out while there's light if possible," I asked him. He looked at me with an unreadable face and slithered to the entrance of the cave. He flicked his tongue in and out.

"The rain won't let up anytime soon, it'll be like this for a few days, you should stay here with me, my name is Curtis" he told me.

"Ok, fine ill stay here, I need to collect firewood if it's going to last that long," I told him, and started to get up, I winced in pain as my feet were still painful.

He ushered me to sit down "ill be right back with some, stay here," he told me and slithered out of the cave. He was out for a few minutes and after a few crunch noises I heard later, he came back with a giant bundle of firewood. I helped him set it out to dry.

I set up my sleeping bag for me to sit on. "This'll be some long days.." I sighed.

Curtis nodded back. And curled up onto himself and laid on his curled-up tail. "It's still midday, we could always sleep to pass the time," he replied.

"True, but I'm not tired yet. Do you want to ask each other questions until we're too bored to continue?" I asked.

"Sure, how old are you?" He asked me.

"I just turned 22 years old," I told him.

"I'm in my 40's, though I'm most likely 46 or 47," he said.

"Do you have any siblings?" I asked. He looked into the distance.

"I don't really wanna talk about that.." he replied. Did something happen to them?

"I have 4 brothers that are pains in my sides," I said jokingly. Curtis looked at me with another unreadable expression.

"Mark, my older brother, may be very smart in his line of work, but lacks common sense," I continued.

"What did he do?" Curtis asked.

"He was cleaning out his water bottle, and the lid to keep the water in the container was connected to the bottle, he thought he lost the lid and looked for it for 25 minutes before realizing it was attached to the very water bottle that was in his hand," I said with hand gestures to emphasize my point.

Curtis laughed and we continued talking for hours. I'd eaten the rest of the trail mix and talked to Curtis about food until the Sun had set and it was nighttime. I got tucked into my sleeping bag and got comfortable and ready to fall asleep.

I fell asleep next to Curtis wrapping himself up in a ball-like form, almost like a giant ball python.

  WORD COUNT : 1107

A/N: Hello! I hope you all love this chapter as much as I love writing them! I plan to male all of my chapters between 1000-3000 words! Though except them to be 1000-1500 nearly every time though. Have a good day people!

DATE POSTED : July 10th, 2023

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