Chapter 3: The First (NSFW)

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Adia POV

I woke to Curtis slithering into the cave with a plump deer hanging over his left shoulder. He set the deer down and looked at me "I figured this should be enough food for a while for you, I don't need to eat as often as you do," he told me. I got my hunting knife out and skinned the animal's hide off.

Curtis ushered me away from the skinned beast and proceeded to use his sharp nails to cut the edible parts of the deer and set them to the side for cooking later.

I checked the firewood to see if it was dry now and started a fire with the now-dry firewood and my fire starter.

Curtis looked over to see the fire I started going "You know how to set fires?" He asked curiously.

"Yes, I do, how else do you think I cook my food? In the sun?" I asked jokingly. He smirked at my stupid joke.

"Females are usually very spoiled and can't do anything for themselves, you on the other hand are very nice and very well-behaved," he explained to me.

I roasted the meat over the fire along with using the herbs I found a few days ago and put them on the meat. Curtis gave me a questioning glance before watching the meat roast.

After a few hours of cutting and roasting, I had meat for the next few days that I could eat. I ate a bit and offered a piece to Curtis for him to try.

He took a bite and took a few more pieces and ate them quickly "How do you make the meat taste so good?" He asked.

"I add herbs or medicines as you like to call them," I explained to him. He looked surprised and finished the current piece he just picked up.

Over the next few days, between talking and him taking care of me, like I was a fragile piece of glass I decided to confront him about it.

"Curtis, why are you suddenly treating me differently than we first met?" I asked him.

"I don't know what you are talking about," he lied.

"We both know you've been treating me like a delicate piece of glass, are you trying to flirt with me?" I asked teasingly.

"What's flirting? I don't know what you mean," he said, he also started to become flushed.

"Flirting is another word for courting," I explained. He stayed quiet for a Moment. "Are you?" I asked.

"Yes... I am trying to," he said, expecting to be denied.

"What's with the long face? Do you expect me to reject you?" I asked

"Yes, many ferals such as myself are feared for our destructive behavior and trying to keep our mates to ourselves," he explained. "I expected you would leave here and pretend I wouldn't exist," he said.

"You know I was going to try to convince you to come with me as soon as the rain let up," I told him, Curtis looked surprised and leaned in closer to me, barely a few inches away.

I leaned in and kissed him passionately, he kissed back. He started to take off my clothes, my jacket, and the shirt under it. He tried taking off my belt but couldn't figure it out. I took off the rest of my clothes as he turned into his full human form.

He guided me to lay on my rolled-out sleeping bag as he spread my legs and then I realized he had two of them, two impressively long dicks.

"How are those even going to fit?!" I asked nervously while looking at them.

" They will fit, don't worry," he reassured me as he lowered his head to my pussy and started to eat me out. He played with my clit with his forked tongue as he fingered me open.

I couldn't help but moan and squeeze my thighs against his head. After him eating my pussy like it was the best meal in the beast world, Curtis made me cum and he took his fingers out and got into position.

Once he slid in he gave me time to adjust. It took a few minutes for me to fully adjust to his very long cocks, but once I did, "Please, Curtis, move," I moaned.

He started with a slow and steady pace but continued to increase his pace as I got used to it. He started to huff and moan.

After a while, his pace started to become erratic and uneven. "Cum, in me Curtis, Please," I moaned again.

Soon after, he sped up a bit and we both came. He laid next to me as we had our post-sex bliss moment.

"That was a amazing," i panted.

"Agreed, that was even better than in the memories," he said happily.

"Memories?" I asked.

"Snake beastmen get memories of our fathers and ancestors to help us survive, when we come of age we get memories of mating and the best way to pleasure our mates," he explained to me.

"How many beastmen memories have you remembered?" I asked curiously.

"I only remember a couple of really clear ones, the most recent, but it goes back through hundreds of beastmen," he answered.

"That must be really weird, remembering something you've never done," I said

"It does, most snake beastmen think their fathers memories are theirs when they're older, and they try to find their mother and take them as theirs, it's why we are raised only for the first few months of our lives and left in the woods to survive," he explains.

"You were left alone when you were a baby? You practically raised yourself then, so do you have any brothers?" I asked. He looked pained as if something happened.

"I'd rather not talk about that," he said with guilt in his voice.

We talked for a while after that and he covered me up with what I presumed was his shed skin. We both fell asleep cuddled up to each other and slept peacefully for the rainy night.


A/N: I hoped you are enjoying this so far! Comment and vote for more!

DATE POSTED : July 10th, 2023

The Beast World's Gift : RewrittenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora