Chapter 5 : A New Suitor

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Adia POV:

After about an hour of traveling in our newly formed group, we all stopped for rest.

"Why don't you talk with the rest of the females while I hunt for you?" Curtis says as he puts me down and hands me my bag and his shedded skin.

I say with the rest of the females. There were 5 of them, they looked haggard and like they hadn't bathed in weeks; they smelled like it too...

"Hello, I'm Adia! What are your names?" I asked them, trying to breathe through my mouth to avoid the smell.

"I'm Bailey," One orange-haired female said, she reminded me of a fox.

"I'm Lana," one female with dark blue hair said. I couldn't tell what she was.

"I'm Mary," a female with yellow or maybe this blond-ish colored hair said.

"My name is Veronica," One female with white curly hair. She looked like she was VERY snobby. She literally looked like she was an absolute menace to others.

"I'm Anna," Another female said with dark brown hair.

"Why did you mate with a feral?" Lana asked me with disgust, "They're dangerous and so scary! Like that tiger Winston!"

"Curtis isn't scary, he's never tried to hurt me in any way, Curtis has been nothing but kind and gentle," I argued. "Also are you talking about that white tiger?" I asked

"Yes, we are, he's really ugly, even though he's powerful no one will dare to mate with him," Bailey explained.

Me and the rest of the females sat in quiet until the males showed up with food, Curtis showed up first with 2 boars slung over his shoulder. The males on guard let him through and to us.

"Curtis! Nice catch!" I exclaimed. He smiled at me and started a fire with a few stones he picked up nearby. He roasted some of the first pig and handed me the meat on a large leaf for me to eat, it was tender and juicy despite not having any seasoning on it.

Curtis roasted the rest of the boar meat that was edible and put it on leaves for the rest of the females to grab themselves. He wrapped a large part of the roasted boar meat into multiple leaves and put it in my bag to eat later.

The females were nervous when Curtis came with the boar meat but ate when he was farther away.

"Oh come on, he won't hurt you, I can guarantee
he wouldn't purposely hurt you," I told them reassuringly.

A bit later, the rest of the males came back with less than impressive hunts, a small deer-like creature, maybe an antelope? Rabbits and some chicken-like birds. Except Winston came back with a full-grown deer.

Everyone roasted the meat and handed what they had to the females, the females didn't eat as much because they just ate the boar meat.

"Are you alright Lana? You haven't eaten much.." one male fretted over her.

"That feral came before you and had caught and roasted boars for us," she explained happily. "It was really good!"

"You can hunt boars?" One young blond male asked Curtis.

"Yes, but it can be hard if you don't know what you're doing," he said before picking me up and putting me on his lap, or tail.

Curtis POV:

Once I hunted some boars, I headed back to the makeshift campsite and made my way past the Guards.

"Nice Catch Curtis!" Adia said as she saw my hunt.

I cleaned and cooked the meat for her, then the rest of the females. I might as well please them and keep Adia happy

A little later most if not all the males returned with their not-so-impressive catches they cooked and handed the meat to the females they were courting or interested in.

Except that the tiger came back with a fully grown deer, he looked at Adia and he cooked his meat. I slid Adia onto my tail near my chest.

He looked defeated at this and handed out the deer meat to every female, including Adia.

"Thank you, Winston, right?" Adia said The tiger nodded as she ate a portion of the meat and offered some to me, but I declined as we set off again.

Winston POV: (A/N: sorry for all these POV switches..)

I wanted to court that new female really bad, I've overheard some others saying her name was Adia. Since she took in a feral willingly I wondered if she would mate with me even if I had a scar...

After everyone had eaten we started to travel again, I think Adia's feral mate has caught on to what I'm doing. I finished transitioning to my beast form when he came over and slithered with Adia and her bags. Curtis slithered at a steady pace while holding Adia and her bags, she had this weird stick and even more pointy sticks attached to the bag, not to mention her very outlandish and bizarre clothes.

Her clothes looked like they were made for hunting and for blending into her surroundings. Which was strange because she had the looks of a goddess so I assumed everything was handed to her.

Her mate and she talked for a bit and she fell asleep. After a few hours, the whole group stopped to let the females rest again so we could ride until the next morning.

Adia's mate woke her up and started a fire. He warmed up a piece of meat stored in her strange bag. She thanked him and groggily ate the meat. I was unconsciously staring at them, Her mate looked at me and went back to talking with his mate.

I went into the forest and tried hunting something to try to impress her. I managed to catch a juicy blue-feathered bird. The feathers were a prized accessory for females, since the feathers were malleable and were very hard to catch.

I trotted back to the temporary camp with my catch. I placed the bird next to Adia and her mate and went back to where most of the males cooked their food and laid down until we continued our journey.


A/N: Hello everyone! I'm sorry for the delay in posting for so long, I had writer's block for so long! I am in the middle of the next chapter too! It has about 1k words in it and I'll be posting it soon!

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