Chapter 1 : First day

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TW: mentions of k¡lling of a rabbit near the end

Adia POV

I was stunned when I woke up, I was absolutely astounded that I tripped and then just woke up here. I didn't understand at first until I heard a voice, a gentle male voice, it was eerily comforting to me.

Adia, Adia... Adia!

"W-Who are you?!?! Where am I?! Where's my family?!" I questioned the voice. I stood up and looked around

I am Karuun, child, the god of prosperity, wealth, and intelligence. I've brought you here to the Beastworld as it is in trouble. I am one of a few gods here. I am the ruler of the gods here. Your family is safe in your world they shall come to no harm

"Why is this place in trouble? Why did you bring me here?" I pressed him further

In this world, for every female, there are 100 males born, making it very hard to reproduce, so I and the gods have decided every generation send one female from your world to ours. It's to put a damper on how slowly our population is growing. It helps us grow as a planet.

I pondered this "Why me? Why did you choose me?" I asked. I pondered why on earth-or beast world they chose me of all people.

It is almost always chosen at random, so far we have sent 40 human females to this world, you are the 41st I and the other gods have recently gotten into a disagreement, on who to send you or another female by the name of Bai QinQing. I did not want her here. She had no place to be here.

"I remember her on the radio! They say she tripped and disappeared out of nowhere!" I exclaimed. "I thought that was a weird conspiracy theory to get people to listen to the radio channel more.."

The reason I did not want her to be here was that she's very naïve, and did not know how to protect herself, you, on the other hand, could protect yourself and hunt if you truly did not wish to have mates.

"Mates? Since this is the Beastworld, I guess Beastmen?" I questioned the god

You'd be correct, there's a god for each type of beastmen, there is plenty of peace meant far and wide, to choose from, and the reason I said mates is because females take on multiple mates to spur reproduction. This also makes them extremely spoiled, I'll explain more and more as you discover your new home.

"So I have to stay here?!? What about my life, my family?" I sputtered.

I apologize, Adia, but you can never go back, think about it you can be treated like a little goddess here, only worrying over minuscule and trivial things. Men would fawn over you for your beauty. Please, Adia, we need you here.

"Fine, I'll stay, wait, did you say mates as in plural form?!?" I asked.

Yes, I did. It's typical for a female to have at least 4-5 mates. There are many beastmen to choose from. Ape, Tigers, Wolf, Leopard, Peacocks, Eagle, Fox, Sheep, Bears, Lions, there's more as well, those are the main ones. There are feral beastmen too, scorpions, snakes, lizards, and crocodiles. There are many others as well, you'll see plenty in your journeys. I am the Patron god of Apes on this planet.

"Feral? What is the difference? Are they just solitary or something? Are reptiles just considered ferals?" I questioned Karuun.

Yes, they live almost their entire lives in solitude. Many will kill their mates if they can't be their only ones, some are abandoned by their females after they give birth to a litter for them. They mature faster than the rest of the beastmen too.

"What should I do here? It's not getting very dark yet.." I asked him.

You should hunt for some food, the prey here is easier to come by, then camp out for the night in a cave, you have many supplies to support you on a trip.

I took Karuun's advice and set out to find a suitable hunting spot. I found a tree after a few minutes that I could climb and spot prey. I put my bag on a branch and took my bow and arrows in my hand and continued to stalk on the tree and waited.

I spent a bit looking around and about 20 minutes later, a sizable bunny came into view, I waited for a bit for it to get into range and lined up my bow, the draw is near my cheek, and my form was still good as it was months ago.

I shot it right through its head quickly and painlessly, I got my bag and got my prey, and I found a cave on the side of a large hill nearby, perfect for one night. I made a fire and skinned and cooked the rabbit. It would've tasted better with seasoning, but the food is food and I wasn't complaining.

I managed to finish my very dry roasted meat and cleaned up my mess, making sure the fire was under control and not to draw attention to the cave, I don't want predators attacking me.

I should find seasonings for later...  I thought to myself and ventured out. I found garlic, turmeric, ginger, and thyme after searching for a few hours. I wrapped them up and placed them in my bag. I checked its contents. I had everything. 2 dozen arrows in my quiver. My first aid kit, my clothes neatly tucked away, and my handy dandy fire starter. Kit for my bow, and some small snacks, jerky, dehydrated fruit, and some assortment of fruits and nuts; my mom's homade trail mix. I had my book on edible mushrooms and plants there too.

Since I still had the day light, I read my book to look at where certain mushrooms grow and if they're edible or not. I read for quite a bit before nighttime. Luckily I still had a lot of fire and only needed to add some wood, I added a few larger branches I hacked off with my hunting knife on my way back here and set up my sleeping bag. Thankfully it's still cool enough to be comfortable sleeping outside or in the cave.

I kept my sleeping bag in between two large rocks in the cave to protect me from wind and other elements of nature. I took a mental note of trying to find civilization tomorrow morning and start almost as soon as I woke up.

I spent quite a bit of time thinking about what I should hunt and store in my bag until I fell asleep, wondering how my family was and what they were doing.


A/N: Hey everyone! Hope you're liking the story so far! Chapters 2 and 3 will be posted soon after this one! Almost immediately after this chapter! Have a nice day/afternoon/night!


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