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An hour passed. They could still hear Wen Xu's voice barking impatiently at his troops. And then, they heard fighting noises outside. It was muffled for a moment, but the noise grew louder and louder.

Gu Wei heaved a sigh, relieved that his martial uncle kept to his words. "They are here."

Lan Wangji then looked at the omega, "I must go help now." He said in his usually low voice.

Gu Wei nodded. Deep in his heart, he knew he possessed insane fighting skills, it was just that... He was a doctor from a modern world. Though he was used to seeing blood and organs, he was not used to all these violence and fighting. He was used to keep people alive and not the other way around. However, if fighting bad guys could help to prevent more innocence people from dying, he would offer his help. Even if it meant getting his hands dirty. That was the lesser evil and the necessary one.

I am not just a surgeon now. I have the skills to fight. I can save more lives if I help to. Heck, I will need to fight sooner or later too! At least I am not going to fight alone now.

"I'll help too." Gu Wei said, pushing his fears aside.

"But-" Lan Wangji wanted to protest. He had seen how the omega reacted negatively to this kind of situation before.

"This is my decision, Lan Zhan." Gu Wei said firmly, not backing down even though his hands were trembling. "I remember how to fight now and I know what I am capable of."

Seeing the determined look on Gu Wei's face, Lan Wangji eventually relented. "Stay close to me then." He said softly.

Gu Wei merely nodded. He looked calm on the surface but his heart was hammering so loudly. He didn't know what he would do once he got there, but he knew that the alpha would protect him well if the need arises. He swallowed hard and his hand gripped tighter at his sword. The weight felt good, reassuringly warm and comforting. It was like the blade reminded him of something stable in this chaotic mess and brought back some sort of peace.

I can do this. I will do this. I just need to be brave. Be brave!

"We'll help too." Several Gusu Lan disciples who weren't injured offered.

Lan Wangji gave them an appreciative nod before turning to Lan Qiren. "We will fight them back, Uncle."

"Be careful." Lan Qiren cautioned weakly. He had lost most of his spiritual energy and suffered some blood loss as well. He could not do anything to help. All he could do now is to meditate and recover his reservoir that had depleted.

Outside, Wen Xu never expected that the infamous Xiao Xingchen and Song Zichen would come to aid Gusu Lan sect. The two wandering cultivators were never one to bother to get involve in clan matters before. And yet here they were, fighting against his troops like two ferocious beasts. Their cultivations were just as depicted in the rumors; their swordsmanship was good. But what made them even better was the synergy as a duo, their teamwork was seamless. In fact, his men were having a tough time fighting against the two formidable cultivators.

"Why are you helping them?!" Wen Xu shouted angrily at the pair.

"We are not." Xiao Xingchen replied simply while cutting down another Wen soldier. "We are here for my Shizi." He declared.

Wen Xu frowned in confusion, "Your Shizi? Who?"

"That would be me." Gu Wei answered as he walked out with Lan Wangji by his side followed by the other Lan disciples.

Before Wen Xu could digest his answer, Lan Wangji already lunged forward with an overwhelming amount of power behind his blade, slashing straight through two of Wen Xu's men. One fell to the ground and died instantly while the other collapsed with a deep gash across his stomach, spraying blood everywhere.

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