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Gu Wei stared long and hard at the round pill in his hand.

Heat suppressant.

How does this thing work and what is the composition of this thing?

He knew it tasted like mostly mint with a hint of licorice combined with other stuffs he couldn't name but one thing for sure, he needed to take more than one if he wants to keep his brain not to be clouded by this unwanted love hormones. He was going crazy with how severely incapacitated his brain was when he was around Lan Wangji. He could hardly even concentrate on anything. So, he gulped down two at once with some water before he got out of his room, heading towards the class (which he really didn't want to attend but people here are armed and dangerous with swords and all. And apparently, they like to challenge people to a fight too. Hence, he needed to learn how to at least use his sword. There is also a possibility he might get eaten by some beast one day. So, he had no other option).

He entered the classroom with his head held high and his eyes narrowed into slits, ready to fight the next person that says something stupid.

"Wei-xiong!" An excited voice came into his hearing.

There comes someone who will say something stupid!

This voice is usually accompanied with a face of excitement, happiness. It made it difficult for him to ignore that annoying human being. He had been like that since he met him the first time days ago and that fellow had been talking non-stop whenever they met since then.

"What?" Gu Wei asked coldly without sparing much attention towards Nie Huaisang. As far as he assessed, Nie Huaisang doesn't know how to behave normally around others since most of the time he is just excitedly jumping on top of people and talking nonsense. He also talks nonsense a lot and his energy can be very troublesome.

Nie Huaisang pouted. "Aiya~ Wei-xiong, you are extremely grumpy since you emerged. What is wrong? Are you ill? Are you on your cycle? Do you need to go see a doctor? (bla bla bla)..."

Brat, I am also a doctor. A surgeon, in fact! I am very good at sewing people up so just shut up, please!

Gu Wei just shook his head and tried to tune out the idiot and focus on a book in his hand so he could at least graduate with flying colours. After all, this world is a dangerous place for a human to live. Not to mention that he is also academically competitive.

"Wei Wuxian!" Another voice called from behind Gu Wei and it belonged to none other than Jiang Cheng. The scowling alpha, whose scent was almost always filled with aggression, halted next to him, and was currently looking at the book he was reading.

Funnily, Jiang Cheng's scent did not have any effect on him no matter how close he stood beside him. Although there were occasions where Jiang Cheng had looked at him like he was the scum under the Earth (and made him want to kick his ass sometimes), his presence had never caused him to feel overly uncomfortable. Besides, he had calculated the pros and cons of maintaining a somewhat good relationship with his supposedly martial brother. At least for the time being. And he had found that it was actually pretty easy to do so. In fact, the only bad thing about Jiang Cheng was that he constantly rolled his eyes and nagged him on everything. However, he had decided to overlook that little problem since Jiang Cheng has been nothing but nice to him (in a passive aggressive way).

Gu Wei sighed and put aside his book. "Yes?" He asked indifferently.

Jiang Cheng narrowed his eyes. "The class haven't started yet and you're already studying? Are you sure you are not insane?"

Well, I'm about to go crazy now. What's wrong with reading books? What do you want me to do then?

Gu Wei shrugged indifferently. "I don't really care whether the class starts or ends. This is a place to learn. So, that's what I intend to do."

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