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Lan Wangji's eyes snapped open when he felt something or rather someone hovering over him. Without a second thought, he grabbed onto the person's hand as a reflex. "Wei Ying?!" he asked, confused. "What are you doing?"

Gu Wei's face was redder than a cherry and he was breathing like he'd just run a marathon. He strained out the words, "Hand..."

Lan Wangji blinked a few times, wondering why the man was perched on top of him like a cat on a windowsill.

"Let... go..." Gu Wei said, now gritting his teeth. He tried to move, but found that the alpha's hands had wrapped around his hand like a boa constrictor and were holding him hostage. "Hurry." He tapped on Lan Wangji's chest impatiently with his free hand.

"..." Lan Wangji let go of his hand and Gu Wei immediately scrambled down the bed and bolted out of the room.

"Wei Ying?" Lan Wangji's voice sounded from behind Gu Wei, catching his wrist once more before he could go far.

"Ahhhh!" Gu Wei's heart almost dropped and he almost peed his pants right there and then. Luckily, he managed to stop himself with a bit of luck, and whirled around. His face was even redder than it was before.

Fuck! Is he a cockroach? How did he move so fast?

"Where are you going?" Lan Wangji asked worriedly.

"Let me go!" Gu Wei squirmed his arm and tugged, trying to free it from the other alpha's iron grip. "I really need to pee!" He exclaimed.

Apparently, Gu Wei had been holding in his pee for almost half an hour (drinking three cups of water before bed was a bad idea) and was trying to sneak past Lan Wangji without waking him up. But alas, the alpha stirred, causing him to slip and fell on top of him and foiled his plan.

"Oh..." Lan Wangji seemed to understand now, but his grip remained solid.

"Lan Zhan!" Gu Wei held the urge to scream his head off.


"Let go. Hurry!" Gu Wei pulled his arm again and this time successfully made Lan Wangji loosen his grip and released himself from the grasp. He ran all the way to the restroom, swearing a little while he was at it. "Ugh, my bladder's going to explode!" He said to himself as he scampered away.

Lan Wangji waited for him outside the bathroom, patiently listening to Gu Wei's complaints about how he really needed to pee mixed with some vulgarity.

Gu Wei got the second shock of his life when he saw Lan Wangji standing there like a statue when he walked out. "Fuck, you scared me! Again!" he exclaimed, clutching the doorframe. "Why did you follow me all the way?"

"I was worried." Lan Wangji replied quietly.

"Worried about what?" Gu Wei replied, snapping slightly. He was pretty annoyed by the unreasonably protective alpha.

"Your ankle is still not fully healed ," Lan Wangji stated simply. "You shouldn't run with it."

"Ah... okay. That's reasonable." Gu Wei said sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. He glanced down at the bandage Lan Wangji had wrapped around his ankle before looking back at Lan Wangji. "Sorry."

Lan Wangji just nodded and continued to watch him closely, watching every step that the other took so that if anything were to happen, he would be able to react and catch him.

"Lan Zhan." Gu Wei halted.


"I am not a baby. I can walk just fine." Gu Wei insisted stubbornly, though the look of concern that crossed Lan Wangji's expression made him slightly soft.

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