Typical transmigration reaction

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Gu Wei is a logical person. He values knowledge and facts with practical applications and appreciates concrete and factual information rather than abstract and random concepts. He likes things to be quantifiable and ordered. The concept of chaos is anathema to him. 

That is why, right now, he felt like his world had been turned upside down which caused some serious disorientation and existential crisis.

Lan Wangji was sitting by the bedside, looking at him with eyes so bright and clear they were almost luminescent. A little golden hue. Like they were actually filled with sunlight. A rare eye color indeed. 

"Are you feeling alright ?" Lan Wangji asked him. "You're still looking pale."

"I'm fine. I'm just..." Gu Wei answered hesitantly. He wasn't really sure how to put it into words. 

Is this an afterlife?  Am I in Heaven? Is this guy an angel? Because he surely looks like one. 

All these questions swirled around inside his mind as he stared at Lan Wangji's face. It was so perfect, it was hard to believe that someone could exist in real life as pure perfection as this being. And that ethereal face made Gu Wei stunned a little.

"Is there something wrong?" Lan Wangji said, voice soft and quiet.

That made Gu Wei blinked, "No, no..." he replied, but then he remembered what he was supposed to ask about the other man. "Sorry but do I know you?"

Lan Wangji knitted his brows, his features looked something akin disappointment before he answered calmly, "My name is Lan Zhan. Courtesy name, Wangji."

Courtesy name?? Oh no... tell me I am not in some kind of period drama.

Gu Wei swallowed his anxiety as he inquired cautiously, "What year is this anyway?"

"It's the year of Ji Mao" Lan Wangji said in a monotone.

Huh??? What kind of year is the year of Ji Mao? Is this Common Era age or something?

"Uh... in numbers?" Gu Wei asked uncertainly.

Lan Wangji sighed heavily this time before he replied, "It's the fifth year of Xuanzong reign."

Gu Wei rubbed his forehead as he gave up on asking the date. "l still don't know what you're saying "

"Where are we?" He asked as he started to look around their surroundings.

Now that he made out the details of the room, the probability that it was heaven dropped slightly because it looked like a Zen room in a spa, with  white canopy over the bed, and intricate folding screen, a wooden table a the center and floating shelves that had some books and scrolls in it. It looked very traditional yet it also seemed to have the kind of elegance that only came from old and exquisite paintings. It reminded him of an ancient dynasty era.

"Jingshi." Lan Wangji answered as he studied Gu Wei's expression. His gaze seemed curious as well as thoughtful. Then he paused for a while before speaking again. "We are in Cloud Recesses."

"Cloud Recesses?" Gu Wei echoed.

It sounds like some kind of ancient mountain temple's name. 

And that was not even mentioning how Lan Wangji was speaking. So elegant and refined in every syllable. It sounded like he was reciting poetry.

"I've never heard of this place." Was all Gu Wei managed to reply.

Lan Wangji frowned slightly, "You really lost your memory..." He muttered softly before he continued, "Do you feel any pain? Are you hungry?"

At that question, Gu Wei felt the dull ache at the back of his head and realized his stomach was grumbling slightly. So yes, maybe he was starving.

 Gu Wei admitted, "A little headache but nothing I can't handle. And I can use some food."

Lan Wangji nodded before moving away from him and began to walk towards the door to call for someone to bring some food. Meanwhile Gu Wei sat cross legged on the bed as he tried to calm his ruffled nerves. This whole situation was too surreal for him. He couldn't help feeling a little a overwhelmed and anxious. It didn't make sense why he was here, dressed up in a white ancient robe as well. 

Few moments later, smell of something herbal wafted in through the open doors.

A couple of servants came in carrying a tray of assorted healthy looking meals. They placed them carefully on the small table that they set up in front of Gu Wei. 

Gu Wei watched them silently as they bowed to Lan Wangji and then left the room.

"Eat." Lan Wangji's  voice sounded beautiful even when paired with his expressionless features.

Gu Wei found himself nodding before reaching for the bowl of soup and the steaming rice. The broth tasted medicinal but nothing he would complain about. He had no qualms when it came to food. As long as he deemed that they're edible, he would just eat it. In fact, the warmth from the meal seeped into his bones and eased the aches in his head and shoulders. After a few minutes, it was empty. He ate some of the cut fruits next and drank the hot tea.

"Is it enough?" Lan Wangji asked after seeing that he emptied everything.

Gu Wei nodded in response, "Yes." Then he hesitated and added, "Thank you."

Lan Wangji hummed in acknowledgement before he inclined his head a bit, "Wei Ying."

That name again. Why is he calling me that?

"Do you remember what happened before you wake up?" Lan Wangji asked with a serious face. 

I remembered getting hit by a truck and I was supposed to die but I don't think I should tell you that. 

Gu Wei shook his head in negative before he finally asked the question which answer he never gotten yet, "Why are you calling me 'Wei Ying'?

Before Lan Wangji could say anything, a voice suddenly called out from beyond the doorway. "Wangji, I've brought some medicine for Young Master Wei."

"Medicine?" Gu Wei repeated with a frown. He looked up to the newcomer and asked him directly, "What kind of medicine? What's the indication?"

Are they twins? Gu Wei thought as he took in the facial similarities of the man with the one who sat in front of him.

"Oh, Young Master Wei, you're awake now." Lan Xichen said as he came in closer and handed Gu Wei a bottle that he took and examined.  

Gu Wei unscrewed the cap and sniffed curiously. Inside, there were some round pills and they smelled like peppermint mixed with some other herbs. He dispensed one on to his palm and studied the strange herbal ball meticulously.

"You need it to help with your fever." Lan Wangji informed him. 

"Fever?" Gu Wei repeated. He felt his forehead. Sure enough, he was burning up like crazy. But it didn't feel like typical fever. Instead of normal heat, there was a weird feeling of heat that came from his lower region that caused icy tingle running along his skin.

Oh, I wonder if they have paracetamol or ibuprofen here. 

Lan Xichen gave him a concerned look before he looked at Lan Wangji, "Did you not tell him yet, Wangji?"

Gu Wei tilted his head in confusion when he heard that. "Tell me?"

Lan Wangji was silent for a second before shaking his head lightly, sounding a little down as he spoke quietly, "How am I supposed to tell him when he doesn't even recognize me, Brother?"

"Tell me what?" Gu Wei demanded.

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