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Gu Wei had no idea how things escalated to this moment. Lan Wangji was hovering above him, kissing his neck in a way that made him feel lightheaded and yet so warm at the same time. The smell of sandalwood mixed with his own lotus blossoms was heavy in the air, making it even more intoxicating.

"Mmm..." Gu Wei moaned softly as Lan Wangji nibbled on the sensitive skin just below the base of his ear lobe, causing him to shiver involuntarily. The hand that Lan Wangji had on his back began to move downwards, and Gu Wei found himself arching his body towards the touch, unconsciously. "Lan Zhan..." He managed to get out through slightly parted lips. He heard Lan Wangji hum before finally pulling away from his neck.

Their eyes met, a look of pure lust shining in Lan Wangji's golden orbs. "Wei Ying, tell me now if you want to stop." He said, his voice quiet but firm.

Gu Wei swallowed thickly before shaking his head, "No, don't stop." He said breathlessly. The way Lan Wangji looked at him then made him feel like he was burning alive. He wanted more. Needed more. His breathing quickened as Lan Wangji reached over and stroked his thigh gently. He whimpered softly when the long fingers moved to trace the hard build up at the apex of his groin, making him arch up. It was as though Lan Wangji was sucking all the oxygen out of the room and replacing it with his scent alone. And he was okay with that. All he cared about was Lan Wangji. Everything else seemed inconsequential. Everything else could wait for later. He didn't care anymore. He was lost in the haze of euphoria, not really registering what Lan Wangji was doing next. The sensation sent goosebumps running all over his body, and the pleasure alone nearly took his breath away. He moaned loudly as his fingers tightened around Lan Wangji's forearms, nails scraping over his skin and causing him to shudder. There is nothing better than being touched by your fated partner. Nothing. His entire body seemed to be burning, and he desperately needed Lan Wangji to be inside of him, now. "Lan Zhan..." he mumbled again. "Please," he begged breathlessly, feeling like his head would melt any second.

Lan Wangji's eyes glowed golden as he gazed upon Gu Wei in such awe, stroking his cheek and staring deeply into his eyes before leaning in. "Are you sure you want me to?"

Gu Wei nodded quickly, too caught up in the overwhelming sensations coursing through his body. "Yes," he gasped out before Lan Wangji leaned in once again, capturing his lips in a sweet kiss. Gu Wei could hardly even keep his thoughts together and closed his eyes, relishing the feeling. He was drowning in the heat radiating off of Lan Wangji. It was almost painful in its intensity. 

"Wei Ying." Lan Wangji whispered, his voice low and soft, sending chills along his spine. "Wei Ying."

Gu Wei opened his eyes and gazed into Lan Wangji's golden ones. "It's time to wake up," Lan Wangji told him. He looked around the room, confused and disoriented at first.

Ah... That was...

He buried his face in his hands as it dawned to him that he just had a wet dream. 

At this age! Well, I mean, I am a teenager now but still... And it just had to stop at a crucial moment too...!  Wait. What is this?

His face turned the color of a ripe tomato as he felt something rather... slippery between his legs, the unusual slickness pooling inside his thighs, damping the sheet below him.

Is this....? This is coming from my... and this is really... wet. And I'm hard too! This is so weird... Ahhh, right. I'm really an omega now. Wait. I'm hard??

Panic set in as he dared to steal a glance downwards, only to freeze like a statue when he noticed the bulge in his lap, as if it was announcing its presence there rather loudly with a capital 'HI, I AM HERE' sign. 

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