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"Because it is necessary." Lan Wangji stated calmly. His voice held no emotion whatsoever, setting the items down in a nearby table. "You have blood all over it."


"Right... You're right." Gu Wei muttered, slowly removing his boots and peeling off his underpants, letting them pool on the floor. He hissed as the cold air hit the now exposed wound.

Fuck! It hurts so bad! Why does it had to be the Achilles?!

Lan Wangji had to force himself not to give in to his urge to stare and averted his eyes, looking at the wall, counting the girders that framed the windows to distract himself from forming a rather kinky fantasy in his head. (Well, Gu Wei was not wrong after all, Lan Wangji is indeed a closeted pervert.)

When there was only his inner robe left, Gu Wei sat back leaning against the headboard. "I'm done." He announced, halting the counting that Lan Wangji had been doing.

Lan Wangji took a deep breath and turned around to face his omega with a face that was so serene and calm, no one would know that his heart was racing inside and the inner turmoil of being so close with his omega. He kneeled down with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows and began cleaning Gu Wei wound earnestly.

"Ow!" Gu Wei gasped and instinctively pulled his leg a little.

Lan Wangji paused in his administrations to raise his head to give Gu Wei a once over. He instructed, "Stay still." Then he went back to his work but putting less pressure this time around. His hands moved swiftly and deftly, treating him like a delicate flower that must be treasured. The alpha had an almost ethereal expression on his face while he was concentrating on his task.The light from the lanterns illuminated his strong features perfectly.

Gu Wei's leg didn't bother hurting anymore. In fact, it had completely forgotten about its own injury. He was too absorbed in watching Lan Wangji to think about it. He was mesmerized by the way Lan Wangji's eyes glittered with an intensity and how long his eyelashes were, the gentle curve of his nose, his firm jawline. The faint sandalwood scent made his insides feel jittery. It tickled him so much that he wanted to reach out a hand and trace that smooth, flawless skin that seemed to glow with his finger.

"What are you thinking about?" Lan Wangji asked softly as he noticed Gu Wei's eyes on him.

"About you." Gu Wei blurted subconsciously.

The man blinked, "Me?"

Stupid mouth. Stupid mouth!

"Ah... Yes..." Gu Wei shifted awkwardly, "I mean... What else could I be thinking about when you are here helping me? I'm just being thankful." He blabbered some excuse. He wasn't lying though (because he was an awfully honest man). He really was grateful for Lan Wangji's help.

At hearing those words, Lan Wangji's heart turned into flower gardens in springtime. He couldn't help but feel like moonlight shone out of Gu Wei's pretty silvery eyes and he could feel his lips tugging into a small smile.

Is it my eyes or there's a halo-shaped backlight coming from behind this man? It's either I am losing quite a bit of blood hence the visual hallucination or this man is actually sparkling.

They stared at each other for a while.

This feels like those cliché romantic drama scenes... A handsome hero tending to a... wait... does that mean I am the heroine? I mean this world's genders are so confusing. Is male omega who gave birth, a mother or a father?... If I get pregnant, am I going to be a mother or father?... What the...What the hell am I thinking now?? We just got out of a precarious situation and I have a laceration on my ankle that needs medical attention STAT! Get a grip.

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