Beyond logic

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Gu Wei made a list of things that he found against human logic. Or his logic to be precise.

1. Flying sword

2. Apparently every flying sword has spirit

3. I too have a flying sword too which has a spirit as well. Its name is 'whatever'. What a dumb name.

4. People fly with their swords. Sir Isaac Newton's theory is useless here.

5. I am a cultivator and allegedly, I can fly with my sword too.

6. What the hell is Dantian? Is it an organ?

7. I am fifteen years old again.

8. People call me 'Wei Ying', 'Wei Wuxian' and 'Young Master Wei'. Because, apparently I am him?



"Wei Ying. "

Gu Wei flinched when he heard the name being called again. It had been a week since he woke up in this world they called Jianghu.

"Mn?" Gu Wei mumbled, turning away from the person that was looking at him intently. It was almost like he was trying to burn a hole through his forehead. He sighed before he spoke, "It is not polite to stare at people, Second Young Master Lan."

"My apology." Lan Wangji said, his face remained calm and expressionless as he uttered, "What are you writing?"

"Nothing really. Just some... notes." Gu Wei answered nonchalantly.

Lan Wangji walked closer towards his seat, taking a glimpse of whatever that was on the scroll. His brows knitted close as he tried to make sense of the handwriting.

Gu Wei raised a brow at his confusion, "What? Why are you looking at my notes like that?"

"Your handwriting..." Lan Wangji paused, still frowning as he continued, " terrible."

Gu Wei shot a glare at perfect looking man and huffed, "My handwriting is perfectly fine! It's because of this brush and ink!"

Lan Wangji shook his head slowly before he stated matter-of-factly, "It's illegible."

How dare you! I was a doctor and I am used to write down things very fast, okay! Plus, I only used brush and ink during my school year. You won't understand my suffering right now! 

"Well excuse me for having bad handwriting!" Gu Wei said, scowling.

Lan Wangji frowned deeper, but didn't comment, instead choosing to soften his tone as he spoke, "Have you taken your medicine?"

The 'medicine'.

Gu Wei sighed again.

This is the most baffling part about this world he currently inhabited. The genders.

As a surgeon, he was well versed in human anatomy and physiology. Inside out. For the past ten years, he had seen everything there is in human body, down to the intricate blood vessels and the delicate nerve endings. After he got into his specialty in gastroentology, he literally sliced people and opened them up to fix whatever health issues that needed to be addressed by surgical procedures almost every day. It was his bread and butter for years. Long story short, he knew every structures and functions in human body like the back of his hands. Naturally, there were two genders; the one with penis is a male and the one with vagina is a female. Although there was a very small percentage of unique individuals who owned the mix of the two and they were called, hermaphrodite. That was the fact that he had bored into his skull since the day he knew how to speak as a toddler.

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