The horror movie

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"Wen Chao is the second son of Wen Ruohan." Lan Wangji told Gu Wei.

"Oh... Okay." Gu Wei was never really interested about someone's family tree, so naturally, he didn't know who Wen Chao is.

So he is one of the bad guy huh?... But that means, this mission is going to be far more dangerous than I expected! Ahhh... I should've just be shameless and stayed back at Cloud Recesses... Gu Wei, what kind of shit have you throw yourself into??

"Uh... Wei-xiong..." Nie Huaisang looked at Gu Wei weirdly, "How could you forget who Wen Chao is?"

I never knew who he is at the first place.

"Wei Ying had lost his memory." Lan Wangji stated plainly.

"What??" Nie Huaisang gaped.

Gu Wei nodded, "Yeah, so I don't remember much about anything."

"Oh..." Nie Huaisang trailed off. He had been wondering why the 360-degree change since the omega emerged, and now he knew the answer. "So... What happened? How did you lose your memory? Did you get hurt somewhere?"

"I guess I hit my head or something." Gu Wei said with a shrug.

Actually, I got hit by a truck. And possibly died. Which is why I end up in this hell.

Nie Huaisang frowned, and glanced over to Lan Wangji. He could see that Lan Wangji was tense; the furrow in Lan Wangji's brows wasn't from anger but something akin worry. "You sure that's what happened?"

"Yep." Gu Wei replied simply.

Definitely not true. I was transmigrated here. But I don't think that you'll believe me.

"When did it happened? Where?" Nie Huaisang probed.

Gu Wei answered like it was an exam questions, looking a little bored even, "More than couple weeks back. At the cold pond."

"Cold pond? Where is that?" Nie Huaisang pushed further. "What were you-" Before he could finish, Lan Wangji interrupted him.

"Nie Huaisang, this isn't the time or place to discuss this matter, " Lan Wangji said in a low voice. His face was blank but his hands clenched tightly together. "We have more pressing matters to attend to."

Yeah, like getting the hell out of this ominous place.

Looking at the ice cold look on the snow prince's face, Nie Huaisang bit back another comment, and nodded.

"Let's go, Wei Ying." Lan Wangji said, waiting for him to walk with him.

Gu Wei just followed along obediently, "Okay."

"Ah... this couple really knows how to make single people feels lonely." Nie Huaisang complained to himself before he went after them, "Wait for me~!"

As they walked down the road leaving the city, Nie Huaisang learned about the Yin Iron and as someone who is curious about everything (except studying) and who easily got bored, he started asking question again, "Wei-xiong, is the Yin Iron really so powerful?"

"You are asking the wrong person. I just told you I don't know anything." Gu Wei answered. He threw a glance at Lan Wangji who was a few steps in front of them and suggested, "Why don't you ask Second Young Master Lan instead? I learned about it from him too."

Lan Wangji's brows twitched when he heard that. He didn't want to talk and he especially didn't want to waste his energy to chat with someone like Nie Huaisang. Just listening to him babbling away without stopping was tiresome.

Nie Huaisang of course didn't dare to ask Lan Wangji so he continued to pester Gu Wei despite the obvious uninterested expression plastered all over his face, "Wei-xiong, we possessed a shard of Yin Iron now. That means, we are in great danger, aren't we?"

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