He had the Stone family and even though we were kidnapped and they didn't try to find us he could start fresh, he was a baby when he was taken so he could still create new memories. He still had a chance to start over with them and get to know his father's and mother, his brothers and his younger sister, Ruby. He didn't have to come for me, h em couldn't have come alone, Zach had to behind this, I hopped whatever he had planned had a backup behind, we both knew we wound to make it out of this place in one piece.

One had to be left behind.

"Not enough, doll." He reached for something from inside of his slacks, the outline of a knife catch my attention and as something inside of me broke free, the chains ripped of the walls as I collapsed down on the musky floor. My hair fell in front of my face as I looked up at the man that ruined my life, holding my belly in my hand, I used the wall to stand up and lunge towards the man that had grin on his face. He wanted this fight, he wanted to see what I had left inside of me but all I was worried for right now was for my Childers sake and Asher's. "You want to play this way?" He laughed as his thick hand wrapped around my throat, cutting off my airway as I looked into his red eyes.

I had no chance up against him in this badly wounded body, I was pregnant with his child and I hated him but that didn't mean I wanted to hurt another being inside of me, they had my blood as well. My nails dug into his hand as I tired to fight his hold of me but he didn't budge as he looked down at me with a smirk of a smile on his face. All I needed was my two kids of here, I need Asher to run with Levi and never look back, they need to run while they still gave the chance.

My eyes glanced behind to meet Asher, he was reluctant as he hesitated to make his way towards Levi, they were both kids they didn't know what was happening. It had been a long time since Asher had seen Levi, they were a few years apart but Asher honestly adored the little boy. He was startled awake by my screams as he looked at what was happening and before he could spring jnto action to help me, Asher grabbed a hold of his hand and pulled him aside.

"Don't move!" His voice echoed through the dark room, the lights that were here before disappeared in thin air as I could still feel his hand around my throat, my nails ripping his skin apart but he didn't even notice the small pain I was doing. I kicked him, his eyes widened as he looked down at me, his eyes taken of my kids as he glared down at me, I had kicked him between his legs, he dropped me to the floor as he nursed his dick in his hands. "Raven there's consequences for this." I scrambled for the knife he had dropped, he was never a fan of guns he liked to torture people with knifes, he was a master mind at that as he would cut me apart but not kill me.

"You're a disgusting animal." He was going to kill me if he ever got his hands on me again, he wouldn't let me breathe again, he would kill me for the worlds I had said. I gripped the knife in my hand as he walked towards my crumbled frame, his eyes were filled with anger that I had went up against my master. His foot clashed in my ribs as I rolled over, hitting my head against the stony wall as he pressed his foot down on my neck, brushing me more and adding more pain to my already wounded body. "I hate you." I shouted as he turned away from me, making his way towards where the boys had left but I wouldn't let him, I jumped onto his back, digging the knife deep into his skin and forcing it down his entire back.

I had sliced his back open, it was a deep wound as he dropped down to the floor with me behind on him, both us dropping down as I hit my head back against the floor, it was getting harder to breathe and keep my eyes open but I couldn't stop when he was weakened. "I'll kill you, doll." He wouldn't, that's what I wanted to believe but he pulled a gun out from his blazer pocket, the small metal stared down at me as I closed my eyes, waiting for him to shot to get this over and done with, I knew Asher and Levi had made it out the building, Levi had connected me and told me to play safe, he wanted to wait for his mamma but I didn't let him, I needed him, Liam and his sister far from here and that's what Asher did.

My one hand laid on my stomach as I bid my goodbye to my unborn baby, it did crush my heart that I was killing another being inside of me, again, but at least I wasn't bring them into this place to be torched, he or she had a better chance in heaven than they ever had with me.

His body dropped down on mine, the weight crushing my body as his head dropped on my shoulder, his teeth digging into my shoulder blaze as I screamed in pain from the blood pouring down on me. His eyes were closed but he was still breathing down my neck, bitting my flesh off with his gun pressed up against my stomach and I tired, I tired to push him off to save my child.

He shot me, he shot me where my child was, he killed me and my child as my skin parted for the bullet to rest in my stomach, he was dying, he was and he taking me with him, I didn't have the chance to escape even when death was near. I hated my life, a tear fell from my eyes as I looked into his deep red eyes, the same colour of his blood and as I watched the life slowly drain from his I wondered what life would be like if I was a normal teenager, a normal 24 year old, a happy family with loving parents, a roof over my head but instead I got this.

I got the abuse and rape looking for comfort in this cruel world, I lived under rules after rules to play my games safe, I was never good enough for anyone to call theirs. I wasn't good enough as a mate, a sister, a daughter, and certainly the worst mother ever in the century. My eyes felt heavy but his weight was no longer on me, I felt lighter but there was screams heard, I couldn't tell if I was screaming in pain or if someone else had found us and when they treated him he would kill me. He already had, he took my baby, he took my child from me and now I was alone in this place again, no kids around this time.

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