Chapter 22

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As the sun cast a warm glow over the city, Freen found herself contemplating a life-changing decision. Surrounded by the unwavering support of her best friends, Jim, Kate, and Tee, Freen was ready to take the next step in her journey with Becky. Little did she know, this day would mark the beginning of a beautiful chapter – one filled with promises, love, and the anticipation of forever.

Freen: (excitedly) "Guys, I've been thinking about something really important. I want to propose to Becky."

Jim: (grinning) "Finally! It's about time, Freen. We've been waiting for this moment."

Tee: "That's wonderful news, Freen! Becky's going to be over the moon."

Kate: "Have you thought about how you want to do it?"

Freen: "I want it to be special. Maybe a romantic dinner or a getaway, something that reflects our journey together."

Jim: "You know she'll say yes, right?"

Freen: (smiling) "I hope so. I just want it to be perfect for her."

Tee: "Knowing Becky, she'll love whatever you plan. She adores you, Freen."

Kate: "And we're here to help with anything you need. Wedding bells, here we come!"

The atmosphere filled with excitement and support as Freen shared her plans with her best friends. The prospect of proposing to Becky brought joy to Freen's heart, and she couldn't wait to make this moment unforgettable for the love of her life.


In the heart of their shared haven, Freen had woven a tapestry of love and secrets, concealing a surprise that would forever alter their destinies. The quiet conversations with family members added an extra layer of joy to the proposal awaiting Becky.

Freen: "Richie, Emily, can I count on your support? This proposal means the world to me."

Richie: (with a bright smile) "Ate Freen, you have our blessing and full support! We're thrilled!"

Emily: (nodding) "Mama and Tay Emong said yes too! Ate Becky's going to be so happy."

Having gained the blessings of the closest ones to Becky's heart, Freen could feel the warmth of their approval. Nanay Martha and Nanay Minda, pillars of strength for Becky, also embraced Freen's heartfelt request.

Nanay Martha: "Child, your love for each other is evident. You have our blessing for this beautiful journey."

Nanay Minda: "May your love story be adorned with joy and lasting happiness. We're with you, Freen."

With the whispers of love and support behind her, Freen awaited the perfect moment to embark on a journey of forever. The tapestry of secrets was nearly unveiled, and the symphony of the sea eagerly anticipated the next chapter in their love story.


The sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of pink and gold across the tranquil beach. The gentle waves sang a melody, harmonizing with Freen's heartbeat as she approached the spot where she planned to ask Becky to be hers forever.

Freen's best buddies, Jim, Kate, and Tee, meticulously ensured that every detail of the beach setup resonated with the essence of love. The soft glow of fairy lights adorned the surroundings, creating a warm, intimate ambiance. A blanket of rose petals formed a path leading to a beautifully arranged setting, where Freen envisioned sealing their commitment.

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