Chapter 21

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Taking her medicine made Freen feel a bit down. As Becky juggled taking care of Freen, looking after Sam, and managing their business, Freen started worrying that she was becoming a burden to Becky.

One day, Freen overheard Becky talking to Andrea about the challenges. She missed the part where Becky promised not to give up. Freen felt like she was burdening Becky with her problems.

Feeling low, Freen started to believe that Becky might be getting tired of her. She thought maybe it would be better to go back to her normal routine and not trouble Becky anymore.

Since hearing Becky and Andrea talking, Freen began doing her routine on her own, even though her doctor strictly warned against it. Freen, misunderstanding Becky's words, felt compelled to prove she could handle things independently.

One day, Becky returned home earlier than usual and found Freen in their room, diligently doing chores. Concern etched across her face, Becky immediately reprimanded Freen, "What are you doing? You're not supposed to be tiring yourself out like this. It could affect your health."

Freen, burdened by the perceived weight of her illness on Becky, decided to distance herself. In a hasty move, she declared, "Becky, you don't need to take care of me," leaving confusion hanging in the air. Without waiting for a response, she fled the scene, leaving Becky puzzled and worried.

The night air wrapped around Freen as she sought solace in a dimly lit bar. Her phone buzzed with missed calls from Becky, but she drowned them out with each sip. The clinking of glasses echoed her internal turmoil, and soon, the whispers of her shattered emotions mingled with the distant hum of the city.

As the night deepened, Freen's world blurred with intoxication, and the weight of her insecurities became momentarily veiled. Yet, in her inebriated state, she remained oblivious to the concern radiating from Becky's unanswered calls. The bar witnessed the echoes of a fractured connection, a silent plea for understanding, lost in the sea of shattered whispers.

As the room spun around her, Freen's consciousness wavered, and shadows of unconsciousness crept in.

The bartender, sensing trouble, rushed to Freen's side. Concern etched on their face, they dialed for an ambulance, realizing that Freen's delicate health couldn't bear the weight of the intoxication she sought. In the midst of flickering neon lights, Freen succumbed to the shadows, her body succumbing to the consequences of a desperate attempt to escape the turmoil within.

Worry etched across her face, Becky's heart raced as she rushed into the bar, desperately seeking any information about Freen's whereabouts. The realization struck her like a bolt of lightning when a concerned waiter pointed towards the hospital. Panic set in, and Becky's instincts kicked into overdrive.

Ignoring traffic rules, she sped through the streets, her mind plagued with fears for Freen's well-being. Each red light seemed like an eternity, hindering her frantic pursuit. The hospital loomed in the distance, a beacon of hope and dread. At that moment, all that mattered was reaching Freen and unraveling the mystery of her sudden departure.

In their hospital sanctuary, Tee diligently monitored Freen's condition. Freen lay there, still and silent, the consequences of her actions evident. Becky stood vigil by her side, a worried heart burdened by unanswered questions.

Becky's thoughts raced, trying to comprehend why Freen had sought solace in alcohol. Her worry transformed into a desperate need for answers. She wished Freen would open her eyes, allowing their connection to bridge the gap between confusion and clarity. But for now, all she could do was wait and hope that Freen would wake up soon.

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