"Of course," I replied, my words a practiced façade hiding the tempest within. His probing gaze held a mixture of concern and confusion, seeking answers I wasn't ready to give.

You should tell him everything. Break up with him before it's too late.

The voice in my head grew insistent, a discordant symphony of doubt. Yet, a flicker of trust lingered, a flame that refused to be extinguished. I couldn't let insecurity unravel what we'd built.

"Why do you ask?" I countered, diverting the conversation, hoping to steer away from the treacherous waters.

Break up with him before he breaks your heart.

Lorenzo, engrossed in the box, began mentioning he might still have a few things of Carmen's. The casual revelation struck a nerve, the proverbial straw breaking the camel's back.

Does he not understand how this affects me?

Unease gnawed at my insides, and I couldn't bear the thought of him keeping pieces of a past that no longer belonged in our present. The voice in my head screamed louder, urging me to confront the situation.

Break up with him before you regret it.

My gaze lingered on the unfolding scene, a tempest of emotions swirling within. A decision loomed on the horizon – confront the brewing storm or let it wreak havoc on the fragile bonds we'd woven.

Trust him, Azzurra.

Yet, trust wavered, a fragile thread threatening to snap. As Carmen lingered, and Lorenzo sifted through memories locked in that box, the internal turmoil intensified.

Break up with him.

The haunting whisper persisted, a discordant melody overshadowing reason. But, anchored by a stubborn trust, I resisted the pull, yearning for clarity in the storm that threatened our shared skies.

As the box exchanged hands again, the tension hung thick in the air. The voice in my head persisted, a dissonant chorus of doubt. Yet, a flicker of hope remained – a belief in love that could withstand the storms, no matter how tumultuous.

In the quaint cafe, the aroma of tea and the sweetness of cheesecake filled the air, creating a brief respite from the tempest of emotions. As I immersed myself in the warmth of the moment, my phone incessantly vibrated, Lorenzo's name lighting up the screen.

Ignore him, you deserve a moment of peace.

Determined to savor the solitude, I brushed off the persistent buzzing. Engaged in a pleasant conversation with a stranger who introduced himself as Marco, the encounter provided a fleeting escape from the turmoil that awaited outside these four walls.

This is your chance. Break up with him.

The voice in my head, however, refused to let go of its incessant plea. Yet, Marco's easygoing nature and genuine laughter drew me into the present, creating a bubble where external chaos momentarily ceased to exist.

Trust yourself. Break up with him.

As Marco and I exchanged stories, laughter resonated in the cafe, temporarily drowning out the internal cacophony. But, as fate would have it, Lorenzo walked in, a storm personified.

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