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I froze, the weight of her words hitting me like an unexpected punch. A chill ran down my spine as Azzurra's raw vulnerability echoed through the phone. "Azzurra, no," I pleaded, the urgency in my voice betraying a sense of helplessness.

She continued, the admission hanging in the air like a heavy fog. "Lorenzo, don't you get it? I'm not the girl you thought I was. I'm not some perfect partner. I'm damaged, broken beyond repair. And I've always been honest about that dark part of me, haven't I?"

Her words lingered, the silence on my end amplifying the gravity of her revelations. I struggled to find the right response, my mind racing against the torrent of emotions unleashed by her confession.

"Azzurra," I finally managed, my voice rough with emotion. "I know you're hurting. I should have been there for you, helped you carry that weight. But this... this is not the solution. We can find a way through this together."

Her bitter laugh reverberated through the phone, a haunting sound that cut through the air. "Together? Lorenzo, you can't fix me. No one can. I've tried so hard to be what everyone wants me to be, but it's never enough. I'm a mess, and I can't keep dragging you down with me."

Torn between the desperate desire to reach through the phone and the realization that the distance was insurmountable, I whispered, "Azzurra, you're not alone. We can find help, find a way to heal together. Please, let me be there for you."

Her voice wavered, a fragile vulnerability beneath the tough exterior. "Lorenzo, I've been living in this darkness for so long. It's become a part of me. Maybe... maybe it's time to face it on my own terms."

A deep ache settled in my chest as I listened to her painful truths. "Azzurra, please don't give up. We can get through this together. I love you, and I can't bear the thought of losing you."

The silence that followed felt like an eternity, stretching between us like an unspoken chasm. In that moment, I grappled with the realization that love, no matter how fierce, couldn't always shield someone from the relentless storm within. As the night unfolded, a heavy cloud of uncertainty lingered, leaving our shared future hanging in the balance.

The urgency in my voice cut through the tense air as I barked orders to my men. "Get to Azzurra's place now. We need to find her before it's too late." The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on me as I stormed out, leaving Camilla and Mason bewildered.

Camilla's worried eyes searched mine. "Lorenzo, what's happening? Why do you look so alarmed?"

I hesitated, the truth a bitter pill I wasn't ready to swallow. "Azzurra... she's in a dark place. I think she's contemplating something... drastic."

Mason's face contorted with shock. "Contemplating what? Lorenzo, you need to tell us everything."

I spared no details, laying bare the heart-wrenching conversation I had just experienced with Azzurra. Camilla gasped, her hand covering her mouth, while Mason clenched his fists in frustration.

"We have to find her," Mason urged, his sense of urgency matching mine. "Where would she go? Any clues?"

I wracked my brain for any hint of where she might be. "The bridge she mentioned... it could be any bridge in the city. But she's hurting, and she's trying to distance herself from me. We need to act fast."

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