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In the bustling aisles of the store, I maneuvered my way with the grace of a heavily pregnant woman – or maybe more like a waddling penguin. The due date was playing peek-a-boo, and my impending labor seemed to be on the brink of starting its grand entrance. But, in true Azzurra fashion, I decided that, of course, I needed a few more things before my babies decided to make their debut.

As I piled items into my cart, my bodyguards trailed behind like loyal shadows. Maybe it was the watermelon I was precariously balancing on top of my cart that did it, but suddenly, I felt a sensation as if a water balloon had burst between my legs. Panic surged through me – well, as much as a woman surrounded by bodyguards in a grocery store can panic.

The store's staff rushed to my aid, creating a makeshift throne out of grocery baskets for me to perch on. With a deep breath, I motioned for one of my vigilant bodyguards to call Lorenzo. However, to my dismay, he seemed to be MIA in this crucial moment.

Annoyance crept into my voice as I dialed his number. "Lorenzo, where the hell are you? My water just broke in the middle of a grocery store, and I need you to be your dramatic, overprotective self right now!"

His voice crackled through the phone, "Azzurra, sweetheart, calm down. I'm on my way."

"Sweetheart? Lorenzo, I'm about to give birth in aisle seven! Sweetheart won't cut it!"

The store's staff exchanged glances, probably wondering who this Lorenzo character was and why his endearing nicknames weren't helping the situation.

A barrage of questions hit me from both the store employees and Lorenzo through the phone. "Are you okay?" "Is it time?" "What aisle are you in?" And, of course, Lorenzo's classic, "I'll be there in five minutes."

"Five minutes? Lorenzo, my water just broke, not a tea bag! I don't have five minutes!"

I hung up, realizing that arguing with Lorenzo over the phone while a puddle formed beneath me wasn't the most productive use of my time.

The store's staff, ever the heroes in this chaotic saga, had already called for an ambulance. Meanwhile, I sat on my makeshift throne, trying to maintain my composure despite the escalating absurdity of the situation. Who would've thought my grocery run would turn into a scene straight out of a comedy?

The customers around me exchanged bewildered glances, unsure if this was a genuine emergency or some avant-garde performance art. I wished it were the latter – imagine the headlines: "Azzurra Donatello's Impromptu Grocery Store Labor – A Modern Masterpiece."

As I waited for the ambulance, my thoughts raced between labor pains and the irony of my water breaking amid the produce section. Shouldn't it have been a watermelon section?

Just as the store manager handed me a pack of crackers to ease my nerves, Lorenzo barged in, exuding a mix of panic and overprotectiveness. He surveyed the scene – a heavily pregnant Azzurra on a throne of grocery baskets, surrounded by concerned staff, and an ambulance crew approaching with a stretcher.

"Azzurra, mio amore, what happened?"

"My water broke, Lorenzo. What does it look like?"

Lorenzo's eyes widened, and his protective instincts kicked into overdrive. He ushered the store manager aside, declaring, "Move, move! Make way for Azzurra!"

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