Chapter 10

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When we get down stairs I look at Isabella,I see aunt Rosa eating scrambled eggs,bacon and cheese.She turns around and looks at me and Isabella.

"How did you sleep?" She asks Isabella.

"I-...I...I sleep well" Isabella managed to get out.

"I know you slept well, I heard how will you slept," Aunt Rosa says with a little smirk on her face.

Isabella's eyes go wide. Aunt Rosa chuckles, shaking her head.

"I don't think anyone but me heard you two"

Isabella's face turns red like a tomato.shes really cute.I kiss her jaw,she rubs her face to make the blush go away but it's not working.

"Juan your dad wants to see you in his office"

"Ok puedes decirle que voy ahora" Aunt rosa nods.

Me and Isabella sit next to Sofia.Seems that we came in, and she hasn't said a single word to us.

"You good" I ask Sofia

She nodded but I know there is something more to this.

"You should go see dad" She says

"Yeah lo voy a ver en un rato" I tell her.

"No go now!" She tells me angrily. I look at her and nod. I stood up and made my way to Dads office."Hey dad, what's going on?" I ask all I get back is an angry glare.

"What did I do?" I am confused. He shrugs

"I don't know come and look yourself"

I walk over to his desk and look at his computer. Its a video of me and Maria fucking in my room she is looking at the camra the whole time im fucking her how can i be so stupid. "How send you this?" I ask Dad with a deadly glare.

"It's all over pornhub" He says with a deadly tone.

What no no no no this can't be happening why know ohhh my lord please god don't let Isabella find out about this. I pass my hand, throw my hair and let out a groan.

"How can life be going good for a few days and theme turn into a shit hole why me of all people what the hell did i do to deserve this shit this ain't fer i have no done nothing to that little piss of shit for her to do this to me" I ask myself

"You fucked her repeatedly then tell her to fuck off because you love another women" Dad says disappointed in me. I turn my head to look at him.

"Are you telling me that you are on her side"

"Tell me son, how long have you known Isabella for? 2 months and let's not say less. But you have known Maria for years and you are going to leave that for a little fling?"

I look at my dad. "I thought you liked Isabella"

"Like is a strong word i just think you should marry Maria"

Is this man crazy or something like that? I marry Maria. That's a joke by itself. That's like asking me to bring Isabella's dad from the dead.

I can't help but burst out laughing at this man. This man, my dad, the man that taught me how to use a gun,how to fight,how to shoot, wants me to marry a simple fling. I know that I sound like an asshole but is he crazy? There's a reason why me and Maria never dated. Has he even thought of that?

Sofia sturm into the room with a gun in her hand. "What the fuck did you do you motherfucker" She punts the gun to my head

Can this day get any worse?  

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