Mafia Breakfast (Extra scene)

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I forgot to add this to Chapter 5 so here is this little extra scene. This is one of my favorite one. And thank for reading my story.


The next day I got into the shower and after I came out I started getting dressed. I have my suitcase on the floor. Someone knocks on the door. I turn around and see Sofia's head popping through the door. "Breakfast is ready Izzy'' I nod and put on my snickers and take my phone from the night stand and walk out the bedroom door, I start walking down the stairs and i start thinking of last night with Juan i have never been touched especially in a way like that with so much love,so much care he is one of the sweetest guys i have meet. Before I know it I'm downstairs. "Sit with me" Rosa says i nod and sit next to her. Juan looks at me, smirks, I just roll my eyes and shake my head. "How did you sleep last night" Jose ask with a little smile

"Good" Sofia passes me a plate with eggs,pancakes and bacon. I take it and put it in front of me. Rosa passes me a glass with orange juice. I take it as well and put it next to the plait. "Eat honey. I made it." Rosa says I nod and grab a knife and fork and cut a piece of the pancakes and take a bite of a piece of the pancakes and put it in my mouth. "Mmmm they taste really good"

"I'm glad i did not know what you like to eat for breakfast so i asked Sofia and she told me you like pancake,eggs and bacon so i decided to make all three for breakfast" I smile at her "I normally don't like eating breakfast to i don't really eat in the morning but this is really good" She smiles at me and says."I'm happy you like it" I nod and smile "You are a really quiet person are you?" Jose asked me but I just nodded. "The quiet people are the most sweetest and honest" He adds "I like quiet people who are nice to talk to and they like to listen to the talk and they are really good listeners" Jose adds. I nod "My mom was like that"Juan says. It's the first time he has talked about scenes i came downstairs. "She was a wonderful women" Rosa says "Beautiful,Kind,Quiet,Honest and Sweet" Jose says

"She sound nice"

"She was Izzy" Sofia says

"The nieces women you would have ever meet"

"How about your mom" Rosa asked

"My mom died fifteen years ago"

"I sorry for asking"

"No its fine"

"How did she die" Sofia says curesly

"I...She...My dad killed her"

"How can a man be so evil" Juan says and Sofia looks at him and arches an eyebrow he softly hits her shudder. "Do you have any siblings"


"What? Wait a second, you have a brother?" Sofia says

"Who side it was a boy"

"True who says it was a boy"Juan says

"Wait is it a boy" I chuckle and nod "Where is he" Rosa ask me "He left before or mom died"

"And left you and your mom alone with your dad" I nod remembering when my brother left home and left me and mom all alone with a man that did not know how to drink alcohol an alcoholic. "Why?"

"I don't know or want to"

"Understandable" Rosa says

"Sooooo. Do you want to go to Barnes and Noble?"

I chuckle "Yes"

"Finish breakfast and then we can go" Rosa says in a motherly tone.

"We?" Asked Sofia "Yes I want to go too, I have to buy the next book in my series" I laughed and kept eating breakfast. Juan looks at me and smiles and mouths to me "You look beautiful" I shake my head and mouth back to him "Thankyou" He smiles at me and Sofia keeps telling Rosa that she wants to go along with me to talk and gossip about things we have not had time for. Jose is eating and gives Rosa and Sofa small looks and he just laughs and shakes his head. My phone buzzes. I look to see who it is. It's Isaac. He texted me "Hey love" and I texted him back. " Why do you only text when your high or drunk"

"Who are you texting" Sofia ask and Juan gives me a look that says Don't tell me it's you "boyfriend" "It was a friend from school he was asking why was i not there yet so i told him i was sick" Juan's look softens and his jaw unlocks and nods.

"Is it Antonio?" I nod and Juan's jaw locks aging and the look that turns me on is back so i just say "He was asking if i could help him find a boyfriend"

"Is he cute?" Sofia asks Rosa and hits her shoulder "I don't know I only see him as a friend not a guy I would date" Juan's jaw unlocks again and his cold look turns soft and I chuckled softly. Sofia looks at Juan and says "Are you jealous" He glares at her "No i'm not jealous" i chuckle and keep eating 

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