Chapter 9

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Ivan's POV
While Yawning, I pore the coffee in my mug and start drinking . Last night was kind of rough but eventually Jeremy's body temperature dropped to normal around four in the morning . Then we waited for one hour to be confirmed and eventually retreated to our respected rooms to sleep for few hours.
Hazel comes downstairs into the kitchen wearing nothing but the shirt I gave her last night . The shirt reaches slightly above her knee level . The sleeves are rolled up and I quickly turn around .

" Hey ,Good morning ." She chirps.
" Morning . You want coffee ? " I say without turning back .
" Yes please ." I pour her another cup .
She accepts the cup while sitting on the island chair crossing her long bare leg . The shirt rides up her thighs .
I quickly curse under my breath.

" Did you say something ? "
Ahh fuck she heard me 
" Me? No. " I blantly lie .

" You did Mr kingsmore. " She says teasingly and stand in front of me . I turn my back to her . I can't look . Looking at her is leading to indecent chains of thoughts. Also my blood seems to be more interested rushing in one direction. More like a specific region of my body . You know what I mean .

"Now you are ignoring me ."

" Miss Woods , I would prefer if you wear something."

" Why ,what's wrong ?" EVERYTHING

" Nothing. " I can't even properly speak now .

"Is this affecting you or rather am I affecting you sir ? "

Wait , Is she flirting with me ? I turn around to look at her. She just starts laughing at me. In a flick of finger I quickly grab her and pin her between the kitchen island and me. She starts struggling in my hold but I tighten my hold on her. Her wrists are behind her back. My one hand engulfing her wrists while other is around waist and slightly dig my fingers in her skin. Her breath gets uneven. Leaning forward I wisper ," Miss Hazel Woods , you don't know who you are playing with ? While You are just a beginner , I have aced this game and left no crumbs behind . So beware of the consequences ." I pull back and smile .

"Aww look at you already sweating , Sunshine ." I pinch her nose slightly and go away .


Hazel's POV

What the hell just happened here ?
I touch my forehead surely I was sweating . OH MY GOD !!!!!
Okk Hazel calm down , baby .
I go back to my place to shower and change . And to calm the emotions rushing through my veins.

Later when I come back. I  find Alex and Jeremy eating their breakfast . As today is Saturday the kids have a holiday .

"Woodzy bear, yesterday you were here with us ? " Jeremy asks.

"Yes baby, how are you feeling now ?"

"I am super strong. You know dad says when we have a fever it means we are turning strong. " Jeremy says flexing his muscles .

"That's right. Bean bag is super strong now." The owner of this deep voice -  their father .

"Daddy, Can woodzy bear stay with us ? She stayed the night. Can she always stay with us in this house ?" Alex asks .

"I not sure. You need to ask your woodzy bear ."
All the three pair of eyes turn towards me .

What should I do ? Ugggghh I hate being in a spotlight.  I always end up making bad decisions .

"You can move in with us , Hazel . It's for the better anyways . Situations like this may arise and there is a plenty of space in my house . You don't need to pay any rent and You can do whatever you want when you are off duty . You can even enjoy that Moonlight view you mentioned once with wine. You can work on your novel as well. So stay here. Stay with us as long as you wish . What do you say ?"

Damn now that's convincing. What should I do ? It's not like it's a bad offer . No no snap out of it . Just politely decline Hazel . Say No ! Say No ! Say No !
Just deny .

IVAN SAYS YES TO THE NANNY Where stories live. Discover now