Chapter 5

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Ivan's POV

I woke the kids up . Took them for a workout with me . This is our usual bonding time . First doing stretches then doing jumping jackes followed by high knees . Then I run on trademill for 45 minutes while the kids run in the room for 30 minutes or we run outside in garden or down the street . My morning routine is usually cardio as I am with my boys . In the evening I do heavy workouts such as weightlifting . Usually we end up fighting over who did the best workout without any rest in between .
After the workout I took my protein shake and gave the kids their peanut butter banana smoothie .

"Bunny boy , bean bag let's get ready. Hurry up . "

As Alex is a big boy according to him . He bathe alone and gets ready by himself . While Jeremy needs supervision as he ends up putting shampoo in his eyes . I take care of all this because Max and Linda are the only working staff in my house . I don't like having too many people in my house . My house is not a fucking zoo . Also, I like being with my kids in these moments it gives me time to be close to them so getting them ready is something I always like doing . My kids are growing up real fast these days .

After getting ready . Alex and Jeremy play with Linda( our cook ) and wait for Hazel ,while I get ready . I go down and look around the room .

She didn't come .
The least She could do was tell me .
I guess she will now come here after picking up Jeremy .
It shouldn't matter anyways .
In fact it doesn't Matter .


Hazel's POV

Today I woke up with a freaking hangover . I shouldn't have gone with my friends to the clubs . Long story short . My bestie Beatrice took me to a new club downtown so that I can release my pent-up frustration . According to her I am on a dry spelll and I need to loosen up . I tried to give this one night stand thing a chance . Guess what it's still not my thing . Plus there was not even a single guy that was worth my attention. None was attractive . Seems like I was on this dry spell for forever . I only had one boyfriend my entire life and we didn't workout in the end . He left me to follow his passion and I am genuinely happy for him . Anyways I don't think I was in love with him .We both knew it . There was always something holding me back . Maybe I knew deep down , given a chance he would always choose his career first . I would never be his priority . That's what eventually happened in the end .

Right now I am waiting for Mr Ivan to come back and my head is buzzing badly again . Linda and Max come in living and look at me .

" Sweetie , you should go home . I will look after the kids and tell Ivan that you went home because you were not feeling well . " Linda says .

" No , Linda I am fine . I will just lie down . Anyways Alex and Jeremy are doing their homework . You should go home and Old lady start preparing to look after your soon to be grandchildren." I said teasingly.

She laughs it off . Then walks away . Linda is in her late forties .She cooks the best food in the world and Max is her late sister's son . They are the only one who work here. I call her an old lady to tease her . Her daughter is going to get married next month .

"Miss Woods do you need anything before I go " Max asks sweetly .

" Nah, I'm good ."

" Sweetie we are off then. " Linda calls out . I just wave at them . Max and Linda usually come here around seven in the morning and leave around 6:30 pm .

My head is spinning now . I decide to lay down and close my eyes for a while.
I don't know for how long I dozed off until I felt cool fingertips on my cheeks . Maybe my cheeks are hot but I am loving this sensation on the face . I nuzzle my face against those fingers . They slightly tap my face . Fluttering my eyes open I find Mr Ivan's face inches from mine .

"Not well ? " He asked intently.
I nodded slightly.

I cleared my throat ," Just a minor headache. "

He stood up and offered me his hand . I took it and practically put all my weight on him . Damn everything blacked out ! He turned and picked my body in a bridal style.

"What are you doing ? "

"Quite ! " He commanded .

He took me to the dinning area where Alex and Jeremy looked at me and started laughing.
I drew my eyes in confusion. Are they laughing because Mr Ivan has picked me ?

"No laughing " He ordered .

I hit his chest .
" Don't be rude to the kids . "

He just smirked " You don't even know why they are laughing ! "

" Why are they laughing ? " I asked with caution .

" What are we supposed to say when we do this . " He asked the kids .

"Sorry Miss Woods " Alex and Jeremy said lowly .

" Why ? what happened ? "

" Don't freak out when you see this " Mr Ivan said calmly .

Nothing could've prepared me for what I saw next !!!

IVAN SAYS YES TO THE NANNY Where stories live. Discover now