Kakashi Revelation

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After their encounter with the sand siblings, Team 7 made their way to the Hokage's office to report the incident. 

Hiruzen Sarutobi listened attentively as they detailed the situation, praising them for handling it peacefully. 

Sakura, always observant, spoke up, "Did anyone else notice that red-haired guy? He seemed like the leader or at least the strongest of the team." Naruto nodded in agreement, "Yeah, he definitely gave off that vibe". But looks can be deceiving. 

Sasuke, with his usual calm demeanor, added, "True, Naruto. We shouldn't judge solely based on appearances. Strength can come in various forms."

 Sakura chimed in, "The other two seemed ready for a battle, even if we were in the Hidden Leaf. It's as if they were prepared to fight us regardless of the consequences." Naruto, a hint of suspicion in his voice, said, "The Sand might be up to something. We need to be prepared for anything. 

But let's not dive into conspiracy theories just yet." Shifting the conversation, Naruto proposed, "So, what should we do to prepare for the Chunin Exams? They're likely to test us on various aspects—team strategy, individual strategy, strength, and more." Sasuke suggested, "We should focus on our teamwork. The exams will surely have challenges that require coordinated efforts." Sakura added, "Individual strength is crucial too. We can't rely solely on teamwork. Each of us needs to be strong individually."

 Hiruzen, impressed by their awareness, said, "You're correct. Team strategy, individual strength, and adaptability are key in the Chunin Exams." 

Naruto, with a grin, proposed, "How about we test our skills with a sparring session right now? It'll help us understand each other's strengths and weaknesses better." 

They all agreed, and Team 7 made their way to Training Ground 7. The atmosphere was charged with excitement as they prepared for the upcoming battle. 

With a nod from Naruto, they unleashed their full strength. Sasuke activated his Sharingan, Naruto entered his one-tail cloak, and Sakura opened the second gate of the Eight Inner Gates. The clash was intense, each member of Team 7 showcasing their growth and abilities. The ground shook with the impact of their jutsu, and the air crackled with energy. It was a true test of their progress. 

After a fierce battle, Sasuke emerged as the last one standing. He smirked, claiming victory for the day. Naruto and Sakura, panting but satisfied, acknowledged his skill. Heading to Ichiraku Ramen, Naruto's favorite spot, they celebrated their intense training session. 

Sasuke, still competitive, cockily remarked, "I won today's fight, but let's see who comes out on top in the Chunin Exams." Naruto, slurping his ramen, grinned, "You can count on it, Sasuke!" As they enjoyed their meal, Team 7 knew that their journey was just beginning. The Chunin Exams awaited, and they were determined to prove themselves as a formidable team ready for any challenge.

After Team 7's encounter with the Sand Trio and their impressive handling of the situation, Hiruzen Sarutobi felt it was time to update Kakashi on his team's progress. 

As Kakashi arrived , the Third Hokage began to share the details of the recent events. Hiruzen than explained the encounter with the Sand Trio and how Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura handled the situation without any significant issues. The details left Kakashi both surprised and impressed. 

The Hokage continued, "Your team has changed, Kakashi. They've become a cohesive unit, each contributing to the team's success. It's time for you to acknowledge their growth and perhaps, guide them more actively." 

Kakashi, feeling a weight on his shoulders, couldn't shake the sense of self-doubt. "Hiruzen, am I even a good sensei? I let them guide themselves, thinking Sasuke was the only capable one. Naruto was impulsive, and Sakura lacked strength. Have I failed as a teacher?

Hiruzen sighed, recognizing the burden Kakashi carried. "Kakashi, you need to stop blaming yourself. It's not too late to make a change. Team 7 may have grown on their own, but they're still kids who need your guidance. You're more than capable of providing the support they need."

 Kakashi, absorbing the Hokage's words, felt a mix of emotions. The reminder of his failures, especially in the context of Minato's son, Naruto, hit him hard. Hiruzen continued, "Minato wouldn't want you to dwell on past mistakes. It's time to find new bonds with your team. Train them, guide them, and be the sensei they need."

 Hiruzen didn't disclose the personal connection he had with the matter but emphasized the importance of Kakashi's role in shaping Team 7. Kakashi nodded, knowing he needs to do better. "Are you prepared for this, Kakashi?" Hiruzen asked, his gaze penetrating.

 Kakashi took a deep breath, "I will do better, not just for Naruto but for the whole team. They deserve more than what I've given them."

 Hiruzen, acknowledging Kakashi's commitment, added, "Remember, they are still kids, and you can make a significant impact on their lives." As Kakashi left the Hokage's office, he couldn't shake the gravity of the conversation. The weight of his past decisions and their impact on his team weighed heavily on his mind. Walking through the village, Kakashi remember his late senses Minato's teachings. He realized that he needed to step up, not only for Naruto but for Sasuke and Sakura as well.

Kakashi discreetly followed the sound of clashing blades and the occasional burst of chakra. When he arrived at Training Ground 7, he witnessed an intense sparring match between Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura. 

The combat was swift, coordinated, and displayed a level of skill that Kakashi hadn't anticipated. As the battle unfolded, Sasuke emerged as the last one standing, but Kakashi sensed it wasn't solely due to superior strength. The revelation that each member of Team 7 was already at a Chunin level individually, including Sakura, left Kakashi astounded. He questioned how Sakura had developed so rapidly, acknowledging the impact of the other jounin's training. Silently observing from a distance, Kakashi saw Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura walk away, discussing their plans to grab ramen. 

Overhearing their conversation, Kakashi couldn't help but feel a mixture of surprise and remorse. Later that night, Kakashi found himself alone in his quarters, reflecting on the events of the day. Lord Third's words echoed in his mind, urging him to embrace change and take a more active role in guiding his team.

 The realization struck him it wasn't too late to make a difference. Fueled by determination, Kakashi stayed up late into the night, meticulously crafting training exercises tailored to both the individual strengths and collective abilities of Team 7. He aimed to start with challenges at a low-mid Chunin level, gradually increasing the difficulty as the team progressed. In his quiet moments, Kakashi acknowledged his shortcomings as a sensei. 

The guilt over neglecting his team weighed heavily on him, but he resolved to rectify his mistakes. The next morning, Kakashi approached Team 7 with a newfound vigor. His usual calm demeanor now carried a subtle determination. "Team 7, assemble. We're starting a new training regimen today." The team gathered, surprised by Kakashi's change in attitude. As Kakashi explained the training exercises he had prepared, he emphasized the importance of working together and honing both individual and team skills.

 Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura exchanged glances, noting the shift in their sensei's approach. They felt something different from their sensei that hadn't been present before.  As evening approached, Kakashi dismissed the team with a nod. 

He felt a sense of accomplishment, having taken the first step toward being the sensei that Team 7 truly deserved. Entering his quarters, Kakashi glanced at the Hokage's words written on a scroll: "It's not too late to change things."

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