Team 7 Meets Sand Trio

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Kakashi had been away on a mission when he discovered that his students, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura, had been training diligently under the guidance of other jounin Asuma, Gai, and Kurenai. A sense of unease and frustration washed over him as he realized the depth of their progress during his absence.

Confronting the three jounin, Kakashi couldn't help but express his discontent. "Why were you training my team without my permission?"

Asuma, always calm and collected, spoke up first. "Kakashi, your absence has left your team at a severe disadvantage. When we started training them, they were at a low genin level at best, despite having graduated from the academy weeks ago. We did what we thought was best for their growth."

Gai, ever enthusiastic, chimed in, "You see, Kakashi, we share the same goal—making sure our young genin reach their full potential. We couldn't let them fall behind due to your absence."

Kurenai, with her keen insight, added, "We believed that they deserved the best training possible. If you had been there from the start, we wouldn't have needed to step in."

Kakashi, realizing the truth in their words, was overcome with a sense of shame and regret. He had failed his team by not being there for them when they needed him most. As he pondered his actions, he felt grateful to have colleagues who cared deeply for the young ninja of the village.

Meanwhile, Naruto and Sakura were returning from the library when they encountered Konohamaru. He asked Naruto to fulfill his promise and train him, but Naruto regretfully declined. He explained that he was busy preparing for the Chunin Exams and didn't have the time to train him at the moment.

Konohamaru, frustrated and hurt by the rejection, ran off in anger, leaving Naruto feeling guilty but also aware of his commitments.
As Naruto and Sakura continued on their way back to the training grounds, they suddenly heard Konohamaru's distressed voice echoing from a nearby alley. They rushed to his side, finding him confronted by three sand ninja—Gaara, Kankuro, and Temari.

Sakura swiftly analyzed the situation, while Naruto retrieved Konohamaru. Naruto's voice turned low and cold, yet remained calm, as he addressed the sand trio. "Are you trying to provoke a conflict with Konoha? You should know that Konohamaru is the grandson of the Hokage, and any altercation with him will not go unnoticed."

Kankuro had been growing increasingly agitated by Naruto and Sakura's apparent indifference to him and their interactions with his younger brother, Gaara. He couldn't stand feeling ignored, which led to a rising sense of frustration.

In a moment of rashness, Kankuro decided to confront Naruto. He made a move to attack him, believing it would assert his dominance and gain the attention he sought.

But before Kankuro could strike, Sakura appeared behind him in an instant, her kunai pressed against his neck with a cold and resolute warning. Her voice held a stern edge as she spoke, "If you ever try to attack a Leaf Shinobi, I will not hesitate to end you."

Sasuke, who had been observing the situation from the treetops, now jumped down to join his teammates. He was ready to back Sakura in her defense of Naruto and maintain the peace.

Gaara, who had been silently observing, found himself captivated by the dynamics within Team 7. He believed that these shinobi would make formidable rivals, and he wasn't interested in instigating conflict. Therefore, he ordered Kankuro and Temari to back off.

Kankuro, begrudgingly, complied with Gaara's order, reluctantly sheathing his weapons. He realized that provoking a confrontation with these Leaf ninja would be unwise.

Team 7, along with Konohamaru, made their way to the Hokage's office to inform him about the recent encounter with the sand siblings and the potential conflict that had been averted.

As they walked through the winding streets of Konoha, Sasuke and Sakura couldn't help but wonder about one thing. "Naruto," Sasuke began, "why didn't you stop Kankuro yourself? You're stronger than him, and we could have handled the situation without Sakura intervening."

Naruto paused for a moment, reflecting on the events that had transpired. Then, he replied with a thoughtful tone, "Sasuke, Sakura, I didn't stop Kankuro myself because sometimes, showing strength isn't about overpowering someone physically. It's also about knowing when not to fight. I didn't want to escalate the situation into a battle that we might all regret and also because the Leaf and Sand have a good relationship with each other and I didn't want to mess it up by attacking the Kazekage son.

Sakura nodded in agreement, realizing the wisdom in Naruto's words. He can see Naruto grown and matured, after their mission with Zabuzza and Naruto's decision to avoid conflict reflected that growth.

Reaching the Hokage's office, they explained the encounter with the sand siblings and Gaara's involvement, assuring the Hokage that they had defused the situation peacefully. Hiruzen Sarutobi listened to their report and acknowledged their handling of the matter.

Konohamaru was left in awe of his teacher Naruto's wisdom, and he wondered how strong Naruto is now.

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