Taehyung (tapping his pen on the table): "This week, we're venturing into the international realm. We've got business to take care of abroad, and I want both of you on the front lines."

Jimin (his eyes widening with excitement): "Are we talking about the Eiffel Tower abroad or the Great Wall of China abroad?"

Taehyung (chuckling): "Not quite the tourist destinations, Jimin. We're delving into some serious international business. I've got a vision, and I need both of you to turn it into reality."

Suga (nodding): "Count us in, Taehyung. What's the first order of business?"

Taehyung (passing them folders): "Here are the details. We'll be dealing with clients, negotiating contracts, and exploring potential collaborations. It's a whirlwind week, and I need your A-game."

Jimin (flipping through the folder with mock seriousness): "A-game? We're bringing the whole alphabet, sir. A through Z-game!"

Taehyung (smiling): "That's the spirit, Jimin. We leave in a few days, so make sure you've got everything in order."

Suga (glancing at the schedule): "Looks like a packed itinerary. I'll start preparing the team for the international venture."

Taehyung (leaning back in his chair): "Good. This is a big opportunity for us, and I trust both of you to make it a success."

Jimin (saluting jokingly): "Captain, we're ready to set sail into the international seas!"

Taehyung (with a twinkle in his eye): "Full steam ahead, my fearless crew. Let's make waves."

As Suga and Jimin left Taehyung's cabin, a familiar figure entered – Taehyung's elder brother, Jin. The room, once filled with the energy of business discussions, now shifted to a more personal tone.

Jin: "Hey, Taehyung. Got a moment?"

Taehyung (welcoming his brother with a smile): "Of course, Jin hyung. What brings you here?"

Jin (taking a seat): "Just wanted to catch up. It's been a while."

The conversation took a turn toward family, and as they reminisced, Taehyung couldn't help but inquire about their parents.

Taehyung: "How are Mom and Dad?"

Jin (leaning back): "They're good, Tae. Mom's still the reigning champion of home-cooked meals, and Dad is busy with his works as always"

Taehyung (looking thoughtful): "I see."

Jin: "You bought a hut and a field, recently. Since when did you become interested in farming?"

Taehyung: "Care to say, who brought up this information to you?"

Jin: "The owner of the hut and field, Mr Kim Namjoon. Your new employee."

Taehyung: "Did he beg for it, to you?"

Jin (smirked): "He never need to... I mean, you hand him a great job, why do he need to beg for his hut and field?"

Taehyung (hesitating): "Well, appreciated. About hut and field, it's more of a business venture. You know, diversifying the portfolio."

Jin (pushing for the truth): "Come on, Tae. Spill the beans. Why a hut and a field?"

Taehyung (sighing): "Okay, since I never hide anything to you so it's fine tell you the truth. It's not just a business move. I... I did it for someone."

Jin (intrigued): "Someone? Care to elaborate?"

Taehyung (fidgeting with his pen): "His name is Jungkook. At first, I just playfully lied about my identity, but it turned into something more. He knows me as a farmer who lives in a hut, not as a businessman."

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