89. Protector and Predator.

Start from the beginning

I want to let you know that, stay away from wolves. That world is not for you. It might try to draw you, lure you in, but please use your strength and don't let it overpower you.

My warrior, this blade carries the utmost power of this whole world, so much power... And you will need it. But you can only use it once, and it has the power to kill an immortal alpha. I am handing this to your uncle, and I know he'll protect it.

You possess a strength and power beyond your own recognition.

As you read these lines, I presume you've graduated and perhaps found your life partner, your mate. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to them for being the guardian of my cherished angel. I implore both of you to protect her, to stand by her side, a debt of gratitude owed to you both.

My Princess, my resilient warrior, my protection will extend across time and space, striving to be with you always.

You can triumph over any challenge, my beloved Princess.

With eternal love,

Your Dada."

In the midst of shared tears, y/n cried out loud, clutching onto Taehyung. He, too, was overcome with sobs, holding her tightly. The weight of her father's words left her utterly overwhelmed, and Taehyung gently patted her head, attempting to console her. Yet, he couldn't contain his own emotions and found himself sobbing alongside her.

"He knew, he knew!" she cried out, her voice echoing with pain, and Taehyung tightened his embrace, providing solace in the face of overwhelming grief.

"He was such an amazing father, y/n. I want to be like him," Taehyung uttered, his words only intensifying the depth of emotion shared between them.

Through tears and choked sobs, y/n cried out, sharing with Taehyung the poignant details of her father's unfulfilled dreams. "He had dreams, Taehyung. He wanted to see me getting graduated, and he dreamt of walking me down the aisle, watching me in a white wedding gown. But he couldn't," she lamented, the weight of her words heavy with the realization of her father's unrealized aspirations. Taehyung held her closer, offering silent support as they navigated the depths of sorrow together.

As Taehyung pressed a gentle kiss on her forehead, Y/n carefully retrieved the powerful blade from the antique box. The blade, adorned with a golden handle, emitted an otherworldly aura as she held it. Its significance and potency were evident, creating an almost ethereal ambiance in the room.

 Its significance and potency were evident, creating an almost ethereal ambiance in the room

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However, the weight of its power proved overwhelming for Y/n. As she attempted to hold the majestic blade, she found herself unable to contain its might and it fell on the bed.  The blade, a symbol of her father's trust and protection, lay on the bed, a testament to the immense strength it carried—a strength reserved for a singular, crucial purpose.

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now