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" What the hell ? You just didn't agree to it "

Anika had been walking all around the room, holding her head. She was freaked out when I told her about my desicion of accepting his terms about fake dating,  she had been in panic mode since then. It's not like that I felt bad for him , I did felt bad for his mother a little bit but actual reason is something else . I wanted to tell this to Annika but I promised someone else that I won't do it. If it wasn't for that person I would never look at Kabir .

" I felt bad after listening to his side of story. I just wanted to help him " I said while laying down on bed facing the ceiling.

" You are not mother Teresa and he is not a orphan. Anything happens in his life is not your problem." She said while glaring down at me , crossing her arms .

" I know but- " she cuts me off in between.

" No but,Miss Avni Sen . Call off the thinge between both of you "

I got up and hold her both hands tightly. " Trust me Nika , it's my choice, please support me on this,  please "

" I always trust you and your choice , Avni , but he is not nice person. He may seem like good or helpless , but it's all facade . I don't trust him at all , he wouldn't come to a random person for such important thing, he is very protective for his mother. If he felt any little inconvenience or danger from you,  he wouldn't think twice to make you disappear. You don't know him Avni , but I do. If you think he is doing all this out of love or he loves you , he doesn't.  He doesn't love anybody but his motives. I know I said I don't know him but I do, don't ask how , but I do know him ." she looked at me with concern.

I freezed at my place , she already know about Kabir , but she pretended all the way. Why? Thousands of musing ran in my mind. I wouldn't force her to tell me , I trust her and I known she would tell me when right time would come . But at this point ,I didn't knew what to say , but , I had to do something about it . I couldn't risk Anika friendship for this .

" Did he ever hurt you , Anika?"

Anika's eyes grew due to my sudden question. Worry and concern  in her eyes changed into shock and confusion. She took back her hands in her lap and looked at the wall , avoiding my eyes.

" He didn't , I have seen him doing same to others,  I don't want you to get hurt later on . "

I hugged her and she hugged me back. " I know you care for me , but , I really want to do this. Trust me upon this "

" I really trust you , but I don't trust him . I don't want to lose you "

I got confused , what does she meant by this. I pushed my thoughts back and give her a reassuring smile.I broke the hug and cupped her cheeks " why would I leave you due to all this, especially for him "

She didn't replied back and just smiled weakly.  Suddenly,  her phone rang . She looked at the phone then me , I motioned her to pick up the phone . She got up and answered the phone . She moved out of the room and went in the balcony, closing the door behind .

I layed down and took a deep breath . I came here to study not for all this . Why it had to be me ? I couldn't even go back .  I agreed to this but something in me is saying to back off, it's not that easy at much it seems .  I could feel my mind going numb , it's making me crazy . Either I would kill myself or kill somebody,  not somebody but him . But , I will do anything for that person,  I promised to help them .

I made my mind there's no looking back now , at first I was hating him for this stupid thing but now , I am thankful that he choose me because I gonna make him taste the fruit of seeds he sowed. It wouldn't take much time right? You will just do your work , nothing else , he is wolf in sheep clothes , don't get in his trap. I tried to comfort myself. 

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