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"Such a dickhead he is " Anika whispered into my ear making a angry expression. She is such a cutie . Her shoulder length hair falls free with curls at the end , sun kissed skin , almond shaped eyes and pouty lips . She is 5'2 but her height gives compliment to her appearance.

" I know it for real but don't use such crude language in class, what if someone listen " I said while copying notes from smart board .

"Let them listen , what's happening in your life currently is more important to discuss than their judgments about my words" she placed her hands on the table and leaned herself on her hands.

" You don't have to worry , nika. He is just bluffing to play with me" . I give her reassuring look. I didn't want to tell her what happened but there was no single percent chance that she would leave me until she gets detailed explanation of it .

"If he troubles you again , we will complain to Head of department . Okay ?" She sit straight and placed her hand on mine giving me a comforting look.

" Class look , miss Avni and miss Anika got something more important to discuss than this class ." I heard sir's pissed off voice . Shit.

" sorry sir , we did not mean to disturb the class " . I said in low voice while standing up.

" But you both already did , now you both get out of the class " he shouts at the top of his lungs.

Before I could say something , Anika stands up , packed all our belongings and dragged me to the door . I didn't know what's going in her mind . Before leaving , we bowed down to sir and said it won't happen in future. She was so fast in her actions that I didn't had time to process and just followed her steps . We didn't know what to do , so we start roaming in corridor.

" sorry, because of my issue , this happened " I scrunched my nose .

" Do you really think it happend because of you " she raised her eyebrow . " that howrah bridge has some personal grudges towards us , so there was no point of fighting with him " . Howrah bridge was nickname of sir given by students .Sir is so tall that everyone in university calls him howrah bridge .

" that's true " I sighed and looked outside of window , present on left side of the corridor.

" let's utilize this time " Anika jumped infront of me.

" How ?" I said in uninterested tone.

" let's find about your devil , which stream he is and additional things " she suggested.

" Nika , he is not my devil , he is whole university devil and I am not interested in knowing or stalking him" . even the thoughts of him , make me frustrated from core . How his parents or friends tolerate him.

" what if he is really onto something? We should do our home work about him . What say ?" She said cupping my face .

" yes , you are right . Let's go to cafeteria. " I said after thinking . Anika smiled and dragged me to the cafeteria.

As we settled down on our seat , Anika pulled out her phone to search his social media. Maybe , I am overthinking but I am feeling people eyes on us . I looked at them from corner of my eyes , not only they were looking at us but also whispering to each other . I turned my head and looked at them , as they saw me looking , they stopped whispering to each other and start pretending normal , like nothing happened. I shaked Anika's hand and asked her to look around .

" Don't you feel , everyone is staring at us " I whispered. She stopped scrolling her instagram and looked around .

" I guess they are not staring at us but you " she said in confused tone .

" what do you mean by that , nika ?"

" I think I know the answer but wait for a minute " . She again started scrolling her instagram. I also tried to look at her phone but she is sitting in front of me , making it difficult for me to see. Suddenly, she stopped scrolling her insta and her eyes grew big and eyebrows arched.

" what happen , nika , is everything good ? Are you okay ? " I said worriedly.

" I found Kabir's insta ID , but its not that pleasant to see " Her eyebrows drawn up in corners . I snatched phone from her hands and my jaw dropped . Current post was made half an hour ago and rage took over me . It was a post about me when I was eating noodles with that fucker . It was taken from front and caption says : MINE 💌. He also had the courage to tag me in that photo .

It was enough and he had already crossed boundary, so there was no need to behave with him nicely. I stand up from my seat and start walking out. so does Anika stands up and she start following me .

" where are you going ?" She asked while trying to match my steps .

" To teach that asshole a lesson . He might own this place but it didn't give him power to invade other's private space and control them or their lives."

" let's try to handle it peacefully " she said in worried tone .

I abruptly stopped at my place and turned to face her .

" Nika , there is nothing left to handle peacefully. This was the reason why everyone was looking at me , not only looking but also judging me " my eyes got moist . "I only read first few comments of the post and many girls were trying to question my character, calling me gold digger , whore and what not . I don't even have courage to read more comments. Do you still want me to handle this peacefully? All the reputation, I made from my hard work ,all is at verge of shattering because of him. They are saying I am his toy whom he will left after using. I don't have any character to be with him . Do you still want me to think about it and then take action ?"

" I didn't mean that , meri jaan . I know you are angry about the situation and more than that you are hurt , but what if he gets more low . He expel you from here ?" She said hugging me . I removed her hands and hold them in mine.

" Then , I don't care, I will leave from here but won't allow anyone to question me or my character " I said firmly.

" whatever you do , I am with you " . I nod at her . I again opened his account to look for additional information. I tried to figure out his stream and batch year to find out where he was , currently.

I reported the post and make a mental note to make it from my phone also . In his bio , it was mentioned business student and final year batch . I marched towards business studies building.

After some time , I found his class . From window , I tried to locate him . He was sitting on last second seat and looking so focused towards the class . I took a long breath and start walking towards the entrance.

" Sir , can I come in ?" I said formally .

" yes child , how can I help you " he said smiling .

" sir , can you excuse Kabir ?"

" sorry , beta. But I can't excuse someone in between. You can come after "

" sir , its really important. I kind of have emergency or else I wouldn't come here, EVER ." I looked straight at kabir who was already looking at me with no expression. I turned back to sir for an answer. His eyes were traveling from me and Kabir .

"Looking at both of you , it really seems important. Kabir , you can leave"

" Thank you , sir " . Kabir and I said at same time .

Kabir stands up from his place and start leaving before me. I catch up his pace and pulled him back , by tugging his sleeves . He turned back . Before he could say or ask something, I walked infront of him and without looking at him , I said -

" You better follow me " .

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