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Music, moon and late night walk.

Heaven and therapy to me. It's 8 pm not too late but road leading to Dorm from university animal shelter is filled with creepy silence .whenever I looked in alleys joining the road, it send shivers to my body, they are darker than my future. Street lights on both side are acting as my saviour . Generally I don't get this late but Dr.awasthi had a Date today so she wanted to leave early and greedy me , in hope of impressing her ,so she could give me A+ in co curricular activity plus to get in her good books , took up this job of feeding animals and closing shelter today.

Choosing to volunteer at animal shelter is the second best desicion I have make in my life , first was leaving my home town . I miss my family but according to my father getting out of this town is best for my own safety and future.

Bermore is small town but rules the list in crimes . According to people its Hotspot of illegal smuggling of weapons and lord mafias due to its geographical richness . Sea on one side provide easy access to criminals for exporting their materials whereas its covered from mountain from all three side , which provide security from police and other government forces.As soon as I get scholarship from Imperial University , Shangri, my father was determined to send me here as he told me that he himself can't leave Bermore . Reasons are unknown to me and when I ask my mom , she state that everything shouldn't be known by children.

(Bermore and Shangri are imaginary places)

Whenever I walk alone at night and see moon , all my thoughts return back to bermore , papa , maa and my little brother, Akshav. Every night we used to sit in our veranda under moonlight and papa used to tell us different types of stories . Its more than 1 year I didn't go back to our house in bermore, only my family have come to help me settle here and second time, 3 months back to see me how I am doing.

I still can't believe how my life from small town like Bermore changed and now i am living in one of the biggest city 'Shangri' with different lifestyle compare to what I had in bermore.

As I was lost in my thoughts, I heard a loud thud from my right side across the road in an alley as I am on left side of road . From sound it seems like someone throw a person on hard wood with great force from which that wood has been broken. I tilt my head a little bit in that dark alley to see what is happening there . Not single street light is there , all I can see is dark figures of people from moonlight. Two of them standing on sideways and the one in middle is beating the shit out of person ahead . I gasp at the scene of how badly he is beaten by that person. I completely turn myself towards the alley to have better look . Its not like I have seen such thing first time in my life , I have seen worse.

Heroine from some movie or person with morals will interfere in between and try to save that person but I am not in some movie . I am a good person but not stupid . The day I stepped into this university it was told to every student by some kind of group run by some kids who practically own this university and bluffs their parents own this city. They can expel us from this university whenever they want ,ruin our lives if we get in their way and that whatever happens in this university walls is not their matter if they are not involved . The words from their leader is printed in my mind and his voice still send me chills -

"Keep your nose out and eyes down if you want to live peacefully "

And ignoring such things is a part of my life from childhood , growing up in bermore had make me good in ignoring things happening around.

I saw middle man eyes on me and he has stopped beating that guy , another person had taken incharge of that .
As soon as I see him staring at me , I hold the straps of backpack I am wearing ,tightly and ran away from their directly to my dorm.

As soon as I stepped in my dorm I took a breath of relief and started walking normally to my room which I share with my roommate, my best friend Anika.

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